

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Australian’s War on Science ~ A Chronicle by Tim Lambert

{updated 1/18/2013}

Recently someone that's been "debating" with me at the "SkepticForum"  who has been a reliable contributor of insults and echo-chamber cut'n pastes and misdirections ~ 

well this character decided that instead of trying to counter all the evidence of continued global warming, { That is explanations and links to resources with information and scientific arguments } with logical discussion - this "skeptic" decided an animation of an exploding head was the appropriate response.  

Now, that a couple days {and counting} have past, it seems the moderators of said forum feel that sort of outrage is fine'n dandy.  Obscenity is strictly verboten, show some boobs and you're history... but reply to a serious conversation with an animation of an exploding head... and it's considered within SkepticForum's perception of fair play.  Well, perhaps skepticism for the sake of skepticism is their guiding principle, silly me, how could I have ever expected more from that crowd.  

I admit to still being a bit upset, though my experience at that site has given me an appreciation for the unjustifiable ruthlessness of the attacks respectable, professional scientists have had to endure at the hands of little more than politically motivated thugs.

As it happens I came across one of Tim Lambert's posts today and it reminded me of the long running series he's written about the orchestrated Attack On Science in The Australian.  An attack with the intent of shutting down learning and forever freezing any proactive initiative to slow down our injection of global warming causing gases into our thin atmosphere.

So as part of my "healing process"  I decided to compile an index of Tim Lambert's articles examining the strategic attack on science as it is carried out in the pages of  
The Australian newspaper.  

Tim Lambert thank you for all the work you have done to try and shine some light on this travesty.

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It's a long list, take a look

Posted by Tim Lambert on December 21, 2012

The Australian is notorious for its attacks on climate science and its hypersensitivity to criticism, so this segment on the Science Show on the psychology of the rejection of climate science where this Maurice Newman opinion piece in the Australian was (correctly) described as “drivel” was pretty well guaranteed to draw lots of responses. So…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 7, 2012

Nick Ross writes: The Australian’s technology coverage (in print) is a mixed bag in that it has some of the very best technology writers in the country but their section’s reputation gets tainted by almost-incessant, poisonous beat-ups of the National Broadband Network coming from elsewhere on the masthead. These have done it few favours in…
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The Australian’s War on Science 79: 
Maurice Newman versus your lying eyes

Posted by Tim Lambert on November 6, 2012

Maurice Newman, former chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has the necessary lack of scientific qualifications to write about climate science in The Australian (Google “Losing their religion as evidence cools off”): So when in 1969 Paul Ehrlich claimed because of global cooling it was an even-money bet whether England would survive until the year…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 4, 2012

Graham Lloyd is back with a story headlined “Climate link to Sandy invalid” (Google the title if you want to read it).  As we’ve come to expect from The Australian the headline is contradicted by the story, with both scientists quoted agreeing that sea level rise caused by global warming had worsened the flooding from…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 10, 2012

Michael Asten continues The Australian‘s war on science. In his latest piece (Google “Science hijacked at school level”) Asten complains that secondary science education is not paying attention to the views of Ian Plimer on climate change. Perusal of the resources for secondary school physics students provided by the Australian Institute of Physics (Vic) Education…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 13, 2012

Whenever we had bean salad, my Dad would always ask “What’s that?” When told what it was, he would say “Don’t tell me what it’s been, tell me what it is now!” That’s a Dad joke. The defining properties of a Dad joke are that it is not funny and that Dad keeps repeating it.…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 21, 2011

The Australian has continued its war on science by printing an extract from Ian Plimer’s new book, How to Get Expelled from School. The extract is largely plagiarised from this press release on a recent paper in Science by Funder et al finding large fluctuations in Arctic sea ice over the last 10,000 years. Plimer…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 24, 2011

The IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) found: Regarding the future, the assessment concludes that it is virtually certain that on a global scale hot days become even hotter and occur more often. “For the high emissions scenario, it is likely that the…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 9, 2011

In an interview in The Australian (behind The Australian‘s paywall, search for “Gadfly Geoffrey Blainey”) historian Geoffrey Blainey gets his history wrong: In 1970 the overwhelming majority of scientists believed that there was not going to be global warming over the next 40 years. That’s not true, as Ian Musgrave explains.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 7, 2011

In a piece ironically titled “Be prudent with climate claims” (behind The Australian‘s paywall, search for the title if you want to read it) George Pell declares that, unlike him, “many politicians have never investigated the primary evidence.” However, if you look at the sources he cites, you’ll find that by “primary evidence” he means…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on October 18, 2011

Stop me if you’ve heard this before — The Australian has published a story with a picture of a bloke standing on a beach to prove that sea levels aren’t rising. Mitchell Nadin tells us: At 73, former CSIRO engineer Denis Whitnall has seen many things — but rising sea levels isn’t one of them.…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on September 16, 2011

Robert Manne’s Quarterly Essay is 40,000 words on the malign influence of The Australian on public affairs in this country. You can read an extract here and watch an interview with Manne here. Also of interest is commentary on Manne’s essay from Tim Dunlop who asks “why anybody continues to take The Australian seriously” and…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 31, 2011

I have an article in The Conversation on the misrepresentation of the science on sea level in news stories in The Australian: In August The Australian had a story by Ean Higgins on Tim Flannery’s waterfront home. Higgins’ message was the fact that Flannery had a house near the water showed he was insincere in…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 30, 2011

In The Conversation Michael Ashley writes about The Australian‘s War on Science, with emphasis on Michael Asten’s misrepresentations of the science: When I contacted The Australian’s opinion editor late last year to express dismay at their bias, I was given the example of Michael Asten, a part-time professorial fellow in the school of geosciences at…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 12, 2011

Jane Fraser, columnist in The Australian , writes a column based on “facts” she got from a chain email: Back to Plimer. He says he knows how disheartening it is to realise all your savings on carbon emissions have been eaten up by natural disasters. You’ve suffered the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids,…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 7, 2011

Chip Le Grand, Victorian editor of The Australian, complains that Stuart Rintoul was victimized by Media Watch. Just like Rintoul, Le Grand misrepresents Watson’s paper: [Rintoul] brought to national attention research by NSW researcher Phil Watson showing that sea levels around Australia over the past 100 years haven’t risen as quickly as scientists would have…
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Kudos to John Quiggin

Posted by Tim Lambert on August 1, 2011

Kudos to John Quiggin, not for winning the 2011 Distinguished Fellow Award from The Economic Society of Australia (even though that’s pretty impressive), but for winning the 2011 Distinguished glass jaw punching award, for his posts on the “mistakes, misleading headlines and outright lies” from The Australian. His prize is this lengthy article in The…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 29, 2011

The latest volley in The Australian‘s ongoing war on science is extended ad hominem attack on climate scientists from Jo Nova. Nova claims that climate science is a “mess”, but in 1200 words Nova doesn’t make one scientific argument. Instead she argues that the scientific consensus was “purchased” by the goverment from scientists who were…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 22, 2011

Phil Watson, Team Leader of the Coastal Unit in the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water was probably pleased when The Australian‘s Stuart Rintoul asked to interview him about his work. Watson was the man who organised A snapshot of future sea levels: photographing the king tide. The photographs of the king tide…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 20, 2011

The Australian regularly shows its contempt for science, scientists and the scientific method, titling an article “Respect the science and don’t call CO2 a pollutant” is more than little hypocritical. You might think from the title that the author, Ziggy Switkowski, presents some sort of scientific argument why CO2 is not a pollutant, but he…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 14, 2011

In a news story in The Australian Christian Kerr claims: Former US vice-president turned climate crusader Al Gore has used footage of the Queensland floods from earlier this year as proof of climate change, contradicting the findings of the Gillard government’s Climate Commission. A new video posted on YouTube, narrated by Mr Gore to promote…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 6, 2011

The Australian‘s Cut and Paste column is notorious for its dishonest quote mining, but today they went one step further into quote doctoring. Here’s the quote that they present as contradicting the Prime Minister’s quote: Julia Gillard at a press conference on Monday: The science is telling us that climate change is real. The government…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 17, 2011

On the front page of The Australian today we find the headline Summer of disaster ‘not climate change’: Rajendra Pachauri. If you read the actual quotes from Pachauri in the article and not the fabricated one in the headline, you’ll find that Pachauri said something rather different: “What we can say very clearly is the…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 4, 2011

The Australian has printed an opinion piece by Mark Hendrickx (who presents his own views on global warming in this stunning multimedia presentation alleging that comment moderation at an ABC blog demonstrated bias. I’m guessing that you are thinking that Hendrickx is complaining because he had an off-topic, inaccurate comment removed. But no, his comment…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 12, 2011

The Australian‘s daily column called Cut and Paste should more properly be titled Quote Mining. Look at their latest effort: Re-insurers don’t seem to think that climate change is causing an escalating number of catastrophes … Peer-reviewed paper by Eric Neumayer and Fabian Barthe of London School of Economics and funded by re-insurers Munich Re…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 4, 2011

The Australian has a daily column called Cut and Paste which should more properly be titled Quote Mining. Consider this recent effort: Heed the bureau. John Quiggin in The Australian Financial Review yesterday: Tragically, while only a few people have been silly enough to ignore the Bureau [of Meteorology]‘s warnings about this cyclone, a great…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 30, 2011

The Australian continues to express institutional contempt for science, scientists and the scientific method with a piece by Christopher Monckton Graham Readfern has already commented on some of the errors in Monckton’s piece, but there are plenty more. Cap-and-tax in Europe has been a wickedly costly fiasco. … Result: electricity prices have doubled. In the…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 18, 2011

Imre Salusinszky in a column in the The Australian declares that global warming is dead because: last year was the coldest year since 2001. Apparently he doesn’t read The Australian which just five days earlier reported: “2010 warmest year on record”. Salusinszky’s logic is this: According to the Bureau of Meteorology, 2010 was Australia’s coldest…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 18, 2010

The Australian takes another one of its shots against science with a piece by Michael Asten who claims: A recent peer-reviewed paper by Svetlana Jevrejeva from Britain’s National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, provides a calculation of 0.6m-1.6m by 2100 using a range of climate models. However, these models also show predicted sea-level change rates of 4.2mm-5.4mm…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 20, 2010

Michael Asten has sent me a response to my comments on his opinion piece (See also John Quiggin on that piece). My reply is at the end of this post. I thank Tim Lambert for his interest in my commentary article, and for the opportunity to provide a response. First the title, “The Australian’s War…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 12, 2010

To their credit The Australian has published an article by David McKnight: On climate issues The Australian still gives voice to a global PR campaign largely originated by the oil and coal companies of the US. On this score genuinely sceptical journalism is missing in action. Instead, an ideological sympathy with climate sceptics has been…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 5, 2010

Chris Mitchell, defending against the charge that The Australian‘s coverage of climate change is biased, said: What people do not like is that I publish people such as Bjorn Lomborg. I will continue to do so, but would suggest my environment writer, Graham Lloyd, who is a passionate environmentalist, gets a very good run in…
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Chris Mitchellgate: 

Mitchell’s demands

Posted by Tim Lambert on December 1, 2010
Chris Mitchell’s spokesperson says: Editor in chief Editor In Chief of The Australian newspaper Chris Mitchell has invited Canberra academic Julie Posetti to visit the offices of The Australian newspaper to observe news conference, and see operations for herself. Mitchell’s offer is contained in a legal letter send to Posetti yesterday, as part of the…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 30, 2010

Given that The Australian‘s editor-in-chief, Chris Mitchell threatens to sue Julia Posetti, alleging that he has been defamed, you’d think they’d want to avoid defaming scientists, but the law on defamation is really only useful to the rich and powerful. In a column entitled Radicals get rich while truth begs, regular columnist for The Australian,…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 30, 2010

Given that The Australian‘s editor-in-chief, Chris Mitchell threatens to sue Julia Posetti, alleging that he has been defamed, you’d think they’d want to avoid defaming scientists, but the law on defamation is really only useful to the rich and powerful. In a column entitled Radicals get rich while truth begs, regular columnist for The Australian,…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 29, 2010

THE ABC has posted the audio of Åsa Wahlquist’s remarks at the conference, proving that Posetti’s tweets accurately quoted her. The two five minute audios are well worth listening to for an insider’s take on the toxic work environmnet that is The Australian. Look carefully at what Wahlquist has said since: Mitchell rejects the allegation…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 28, 2010

The full resources of The Australian have been mustered to defend Chris Mitchell from a tweet. Caroline Overington (who used to be a serious journalist before becoming an apologist for her boss) writes: Posetti sat in on a conference where serious allegations were made about Mitchell. Posetti published those allegations without checking to see if…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 25, 2010

Crikey reports: A former senior News Limited journalist has described trying to write about human-induced climate change at The Australian newspaper as “torture” and has blamed the editor-in-chief for limiting coverage on the topic because he has “taken a political view”. Asa Wahlquist mounted an off-the-cuff defence of environmental reporting on a panel at yesterday’s…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 10, 2010

The Australian‘s coverage of the story of the emails stolen from CRU has been extensive — my Factiva search found that there have published 85 articles so far that mention the matter, with repeated allegations that the emails showed that the scientists were corrupt, had acted dishonestly and that the science could not be trusted.…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 1, 2010

The Hook reports: In papers sent to UVA April 23, [Virginia Attorney General] Cuccinelli’s office commands the university to produce a sweeping swath of documents relating to Mann’s receipt of nearly half a million dollars in state grant-funded climate research conducted while Mann– now director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State– was…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 29, 2010

Over at The Australian Cheryl Jones seems to be immune to the group think there, writing a straight news story on the debunking of a paper by by Stewart Franks et al, which purported to prove that global warming had no effect on the drought in the Murray-Darling Basin: In winter, the days are shorter…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 24, 2010

The Australian renews its war on science by printing an opinion piece by Richard Lindzen. Arthur Smith comments: From his latest piece one can only conclude that either Lindzen has descended into the epistemic closure of paranoia and conspiracy theories that has become far too prevalent among some Americans lately or, worse, that he is…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 15, 2010

The Australian has been conducting an uncompromising and unrelenting war on science, scientists and the scientific method, but if anyone criticises them for it, they react like scalded cats. So you could predict that they would whine when John Quiggin, in his column in the Australian Financial Review, wrote: The Australian newspaper has campaigned against…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 9, 2010

An anonymous person at The Australian writes: In serious debates, nothing demolishes credibility as readily as inconsistency and exaggeration. Indeed, which is why The Australian has no credibility on science. Many Australians, therefore, will find it baffling that six state governments are working off four different sets of figures for the sea-level rises they expect…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 2, 2010

A story on climate change by Jonathan Leake that is reprinted in the Australian is pretty well guaranteed to misrepresent the science. And it does — you only have to compare the headline for Leake’s story “Cyclone climate link rejected” with Nature Geosciences headline “Tropical cyclone projection: Fewer but stronger” for the new paper and…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 25, 2010

Clive Hamilton has written a five part series on the attacks on climate science in Australia: Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial. I already mentioned this one Who is orchestrating the cyber-bullying?. Andrew Bolt gets a special mention for his hate mongering. Think tanks, oil money and black ops. The think tanks…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 9, 2010

As well as Monckton Media Watch also looked at the way Jamie Walker passed off his opinioin piece about the Great Barrier Reef as a straight news story. John Bruno dissects Walker’s response.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 3, 2010

The Australian seems to have an endless supply of journalists who, with no background in science, write stories about how the scientists have it all wrong on global warming. The latest effort, by one Jamie Walker, is dealt with by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 23, 2010

After embracing Monckton’s theory that Copenhagen was going to introduce a COMMUNIST WORLD GOVERMENT, Jane Albrechtsen seems to backing away from Monckton’s conspiracy theories: Unfortunately, while Monckton has mastered the best arts of persuasion, he also succumbs to the worst of them when he engages in his made-for-the-stage histrionics. In Copenhagen, when a group of…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 11, 2010

Christopher Monckton will trouser $20,000 for an Australian Tour with Ian Plimer on backing vocals. To celebrate both The Australian and The Daily Telegraph printed extracts from Monckton’s letter to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd generously offering to brief Rudd about climate science. Monckton always makes lots of errors when he writes about science, but this…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 8, 2009

Despite her training in law, Janet Albrechtsen was not able to figure out that the Copenhagen treaty wasn’t going to impose a COMMUNIST WORLD GOVERNMENT, so you just know that she has no chance in hell of understanding a scientific question. Albrechtsen claims that it is a “fact” that “Sea levels have remained constant for…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 17, 2009

Malcolm Colless, writing in The Australian declares that human-caused global warming is a beat-up, just like human-caused ozone depletion. I swear I’m not making this up. Look: Remember, it was not so long ago that we were confronted with the unnerving prospect of being fried like eggs on a hotplate as a result of a…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on June 24, 2009

Last week week Senator Fielding met with the Minister for Climate Change, Penny Wong to discuss the link between global warming and greenhouse gas. While Fielding claimed to have an ‘open mind’, this was rather undercut by his bringing four denialists to the meeting: Bob Carter, David Evans Stewart Franks and Bill Kininmonth. Naturally, The…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 29, 2009

On his column in the Financial Review last week, John Quiggin wrote about those who think global warming is some sort of hoax: While most media outlets give at least some space to these conspiracy theorists, the central role has been played by The Australian. Not only its opinion columnists (with a handful of honorable…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 18, 2009

Today was the day of the Big Push in the Australian‘s war on science. They published two news stories that distorted scientists’ views on Antarctic ice, a long piece promoting “silenced” Ian Plimer’s denialist book, an absurdly over the top piece from Christopher Pearson about how Plimer’s book is the turning point that leads to…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 11, 2009

The collapse of the Wilkins Ice Shelf has prompted the Australian to launch yet another attack on scientists — it seems they are “tabloid media ambulance-chasing” and the ice shelf collapse was entirely natural. every natural phenomenon, such as the ice shelf split this week, is interpreted as a disaster and all who do not…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 19, 2009

Today’s Australian has a piece by Bob Carter predicting global cooling Global atmospheric temperature reached a peak in 1998, has not warmed since 1995 and, has been cooling since 2002. Some people, still under the thrall of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change’s disproved projections of warming, seem surprised by this cooling trend, even to…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 15, 2009

Today’s Australian included a double feature in its war on science. And they were both news stories, not opinion pieces. First up is John Stapleton. Last month Stapleton wrote a story arguing that winter was evidence against global warming. So how does Stapleton write a story about a heat wave here in Australia. Well, it’s…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 7, 2009

Ian Musgrave has written the post I was going to write on Jon Jenkins’ article in the Australian, so I just want to emphasize that fitting a degree six (yes, degree six) to temperature data does not produce a meaningful trend line in any way shape or form. Go read. Note that if the editors…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 1, 2009

Congratulations to The Australian for winning the 2008 award for Most consistently wrong media outlet, coming in ahead of Drudge favourite the London Daily Telegraph. Well, they’re not resting on their laurels in 2009. John Stapleton has a new article out before most of the world even started 2009 WHILE the official figures are not…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 29, 2008

I suppose it was inevitable that the Australian would reprint Christopher Booker’s claim that winter disproves man-made global warming. It was a global warming denial piece, it was picked up Drudge and the arguments were pathetically weak. So here it is in today’s paper.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 24, 2008

Josh Rosenau is collecting nominations for the top 5 anti-science think tanks in America. Clearly the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Discovery Institute have a lock on two of the places, but which ones should fill the other three places? Here in Australia, the IPA is the easy winner as the top anti-science think tank,…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 22, 2008

Today’s salvo in the Australian is a quote from Christopher “White asbestos is harmless” Booker. Booker writes: Last weekend, US meteorologist Anthony Watts noticed that something very odd had happened to the daily updated website that shows how much sea ice there is in the Arctic. Without explanation, a half million square kilometres of ice…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on June 9, 2009

Paddy Manning worked at The Australian between 2004 and 2007, so has inside knowledge about their war on science: Then on May 9, 2007, apparently at the urging of son James, Murdoch announced News Corp would go carbon neutral by 2010. … This put The Australian in a quandary. Mitchell’s then 2IC, Michael Stutchbury, was…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on June 2, 2009

Congratulations to Chris Mitchell, editor of The Australian who has won an award from the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association for journalism that promotes their interests: In congratulating Chris Mitchell, APPEA’s Chief Executive Belinda Robinson observed that “over the past twelve months The Australian‘s in-depth coverage of a range of public policy issues affecting…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 7, 2009

Wednesday was an unusual day at the Australian, with two pro-science pieces published. First, Leigh Dayton, their science writer, raises some scientific objections to Ian Plimer’s book. Plimer will, no doubt, continued to deny the existence of these problems: Plimer also repeats the inaccurate “fact” that the global warming peaked in 1998. Yes, it was…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 4, 2009

The Australian has a printed a response by Plimer to some of the criticism he has received. Plimer opens with: In Heaven and Earth – Global Warming: The Missing Science, I predicted that the critics would play the man and not discuss the science. Then he proceeds to play the man and not the ball,…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 3, 2009

One of the favourite tactics employed by the Australian in its war on science is quote mining. See, for example, Kininmonth’s effort this week. Not surprisingly the Australian‘s Cut and Paste column is a big on quote mining. For example Environment Minister Peter Garrett, on ABC1′s Lateline on Monday, forecasts sea level rises of 6m:…
Read the whole post »
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 29, 2009

On his column in the Financial Review last week, John Quiggin wrote about those who think global warming is some sort of hoax: While most media outlets give at least some space to these conspiracy theorists, the central role has been played by The Australian. Not only its opinion columnists (with a handful of honorable…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 18, 2009

Today was the day of the Big Push in the Australian‘s war on science. They published two news stories that distorted scientists’ views on Antarctic ice, a long piece promoting “silenced” Ian Plimer’s denialist book, an absurdly over the top piece from Christopher Pearson about how Plimer’s book is the turning point that leads to…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 11, 2009

The collapse of the Wilkins Ice Shelf has prompted the Australian to launch yet another attack on scientists — it seems they are “tabloid media ambulance-chasing” and the ice shelf collapse was entirely natural. every natural phenomenon, such as the ice shelf split this week, is interpreted as a disaster and all who do not…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 19, 2009

Today’s Australian has a piece by Bob Carter predicting global cooling Global atmospheric temperature reached a peak in 1998, has not warmed since 1995 and, has been cooling since 2002. Some people, still under the thrall of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change’s disproved projections of warming, seem surprised by this cooling trend, even to…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 15, 2009

Today’s Australian included a double feature in its war on science. And they were both news stories, not opinion pieces. First up is John Stapleton. Last month Stapleton wrote a story arguing that winter was evidence against global warming. So how does Stapleton write a story about a heat wave here in Australia. Well, it’s…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 7, 2009

Ian Musgrave has written the post I was going to write on Jon Jenkins’ article in the Australian, so I just want to emphasize that fitting a degree six (yes, degree six) to temperature data does not produce a meaningful trend line in any way shape or form. Go read. Note that if the editors…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on January 1, 2009

Congratulations to The Australian for winning the 2008 award for Most consistently wrong media outlet, coming in ahead of Drudge favourite the London Daily Telegraph. Well, they’re not resting on their laurels in 2009. John Stapleton has a new article out before most of the world even started 2009 WHILE the official figures are not…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 29, 2008

I suppose it was inevitable that the Australian would reprint Christopher Booker’s claim that winter disproves man-made global warming. It was a global warming denial piece, it was picked up Drudge and the arguments were pathetically weak. So here it is in today’s paper.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 24, 2008

Josh Rosenau is collecting nominations for the top 5 anti-science think tanks in America. Clearly the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Discovery Institute have a lock on two of the places, but which ones should fill the other three places? Here in Australia, the IPA is the easy winner as the top anti-science think tank,…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 22, 2008

Today’s salvo in the Australian is a quote from Christopher “White asbestos is harmless” Booker. Booker writes: Last weekend, US meteorologist Anthony Watts noticed that something very odd had happened to the daily updated website that shows how much sea ice there is in the Arctic. Without explanation, a half million square kilometres of ice…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 18, 2008

The Australian seems to have realized that their delight over Rudd’s ETS was a giveaway and they are trying to provide some cover. Today we have a piece from Henry Ergas opposing the scheme: As for the emissions trading scheme, if the main emitters are not reducing their emissions — as the Government’s 5 per…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 14, 2008

I’m afraid the very silly editorial in the Weekend Australian about how environmentalists hate the proletariat, already taken to pieces by Glenn Albrecht doesn’t qualify as part of their War on Science because it doesn’t include anything on the science, but they can’t resist taking another shot at climate science, so today’s Australian has an…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 4, 2008

On Saturday the Australian published a story by John Stapleton offering as evidence against global warming the fact that “the Arctic ice is expanding”. Something that happens every winter. Anyway, Stapleton’s piece is about biased reporting on global warming. Stapleton is oblivious to the extraordinary bias displayed by the Australian — he’s alleging that it…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on December 2, 2008

Last week Keith Windschuttle, editor of Quadrant declared: People who are really confident [of their facts] relish debate. It seems that Windschuttle has no confidence in the articles on climate science he has been publishing. Windschuttle rejected without even looking at it, an article by David Karoly correcting the errors and misinformation in those articles.…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 29, 2008

On Tuesday the Australian had a piece by David Bellamy claimed to be victimized for his dissent: The sad fact is that since I said I didn’t believe human beings caused global warming, I’ve not been allowed to make a television program. … It was in 1996 that I criticised wind farms while appearing on…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 27, 2008

Miranda Devine, in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald brings us the sad story of how Ian Plimer is being shouted down and silenced: Human-caused climate change is being “promoted with religious zeal … there are fundamentalist organisations which will do anything to silence critics.” … It is difficult for non-scientists to engage in the debate over…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on November 21, 2008

Quadrant follows the fashion of much of the rest of the right in Australia in making war on science. It has promoted Creationism, HIV/AIDS denial, the DDT ban myth and, of course, global warming denial. But ever since new editor Keith Windschuttle took over earlier this year, Quadrant has cranked the attacks on climate science…
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The Australian‘s War on Science XXIII

Posted by Tim Lambert on November 13, 2008

The Australian has a daily column called Cut and Paste which is usually a collection of quotes from recent opinion columns in other papers. But like every other part of the paper, it has been used in their unending war on science. Look at the November 12 edition of “Cut and Paste”: ABC Radio’s Peter…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on October 19, 2008

This column in the Australian from Frank Devine is mainly about how the latest Disney cartoon is “pernicious and propagandistic” and threatens our freedom, but he also includes some war-on-science stuff: An alternative view of good coming out of the financial crash is that, with another global threat to worry about, we may be less…

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Posted by Tim Lambert on October 15, 2008

The latest salvo from the Australian in their war on science is a column from Bjorn Lomborg. Lomborg tells us: Have you noticed how environmental campaigners almost inevitably say that not only is global warming happening and bad, but also that what we are seeing is even worse than expected? This is odd, because any…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on October 5, 2008

This piece by Brendan O’Neill in the Australian combines two of the Australian‘s favourite things: making war on science and supporting Republicans. Here’s O’Neill: In May this year, Palin, as Governor of Alaska, said she would sue the federal Government for labelling polar bears as officially threatened. She argued that giving special protection to polar…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on September 9, 2008

The latest volley from the Australian is an article by John McLean. You might remember him as the guy who kept steering Andrew Bolt into brick walls. He’s now styling himself as a “climate data analyst and a member of the Australian Climate Science Coalition”, which might sound impressive if you didn’t know that the…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 25, 2008

On Saturday the Australian published an article by Jennifer Marohasy. It’s the usual cherry-picked global-warming-ended-in-1998 nonsense, and Barry Brook has written a detailed refutation. But I felt I should post this graph from Marohasy’s piece where she tries to make global warming go away by changing the scale on the graph:
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 9, 2008

This piece by Arthur “Let’s bomb Iran!” Herman published by the Australian and the CIS, has it all. the author is a historian, not a scientist every single claim about the science is wrong climate scientists are called “knaves” , “a priesthood” and likened to the Spanish Inquisition and the Nazis there is ridiculous alarmism…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 29, 2008

Undaunted by the dismal failure of its war on science, the Australian presses on, with a piece by Dennis Jensen. Oops, that’s not the link, this is the link: It has been an article of faith for many years that humans are gradually destroying the environment, and are specifically responsible for global warming via man-made…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 18, 2008

The Australian continues to display its contempt for science, scientists and the scientific method. They’ve published this piece of AGW denial by David Evans. Last time I looked at Evans he was saying that new evidence since 1999 had changed his mind about global warming, with this new evidence including the fact that the world…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 6, 2008

The Australian welcomes the draft Garnaut report by reprinting an error-filled article from the Wall Street Journal. Their editorial even repeats one of the most glaring errors: In proceeding with caution, governments need to be alert to all the facts, including arguments such as those noted by the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens reprinted in…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on June 5, 2008

Matt Nisbet reports: A new study by a team of political scientists and sociologists at the journal Environmental Politics concludes that 9 out of 10 books published since 1972 that have disputed the seriousness of environmental problems and mainstream science can be linked to a conservative think tank (CTT). Following on earlier work by co-author…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 29, 2008

Chris Mooney reviews a new book about the war on science Doubt is Their Product: How Industry’s Assault on Science Threatens Your Health by David Michaels (Oxford University Press, 359 pages, $27.95) … Tobacco companies perfected the ruse, which was later copycatted by other polluting or health-endangering industries. One tobacco executive was even dumb enough…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 7, 2008

The first four words in this Wednesday’s article in the Australian : In 1633 Galileo Galilei There is no point in reading further.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 26, 2008

The Australian wasn’t content to publish Phil Chapman’s silly ice-age article, but also published a news story that treated it like a legitimate scientific paper. Now, instead of publishing a correction to Chapman’s falsehoods from a climate scientist they have an article by Christopher Pearson. Even though it was the Australian which published Chapman’s piece…

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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 23, 2008

As well as Chapman’s silly ice-age article, the Australian published a news story about it, treating it as if it was a legitimate paper and failing to get comments from climate scientists. The ABC acted like a real news organization it its report: DAVID KAROLY: This is not science. EMILY BOURKE: David Karoly from Melbourne…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 23, 2008

Here we go again. Phil Chapman, in the Australian: All four agencies that track Earth’s temperature (the Hadley Climate Research Unit in Britain, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the Christy group at the University of Alabama, and Remote Sensing Systems Inc in California) report that it cooled by about 0.7C…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 21, 2008

The latest editorial from the Australian on the science of global warming cites a cardinal and a historian and no climate scientists: We can trust that Catholic cardinal George Pell has not had to resort to inside knowledge to play the devil’s advocate on global warming. Like historian and political scientist Don Aitkin, Dr Pell…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 18, 2008

Daniel Engber’s Slate article The Paranoid Style in American Science is well worth a read. He explains how the Creationists, AGW and HIV/AIDS skeptics go well past skepticism into conspiracy theries about science. Hat tip: Mark Hoofnagle.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on April 9, 2008

The Australian front pages an article on “eminent historian” Don Aitkin who attacks the “quasi-religious” scientists of the IPCC for advocating that some action to combat global arming should be taken. Aitkin deploys the argument from incredulity He says an increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide over the past century is agreed, some of…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 23, 2007

Last month the Australian mounted an over-the-top defence of one of their pundits after blogs criticised him for spinning as favourable to the government an opinion poll that showed the opposition way ahead and no change in its lead. So how do you think they reacted to Media Watch’s criticism?
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 21, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote how the Australian had misrepresented Rajendra Pachauri (IPCC head), falsely claiming that he supported the Australian government’s policy of delay. Media Watch has the latest developments. Pachauri wrote to the Australian: I am writing to convey my deep disappointment at the news report in your newspaper of August…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 9, 2007

Matthew Warren claims in the Australian: The head of the world’s leading climate change organisation has backed the Howard Government’s decision to defer setting a long-term target for reducing greenhouse emissions until the full facts are known. Despite widespread criticism of the Government’s decision last month to defer its decision on cutting emissions until next…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 17, 2007

John Quiggin: Phillip Adams and Peter Dixon have prepared a reply (over the fold) to the opinion piece by Robson and Davidson in the Australian which offered a range of incoherent criticisms of proposals to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Disgracefully, but not at all surprisingly, the Oz has declined to print it, marking yet…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on May 13, 2007

Rupert Murdoch might be concerned about the harm that threatens from global warming, but the Australian is still in denial, printing an opinion piece by Alex Robson and Sinclair Davidson, who continue to deny the existence of scientific evidence for man-made warming: The petition also states “the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has determined that…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 16, 2007

The Australian‘s War on Science has continued. Fortunately, I am able to outsource the refuting. First, Nexus 6 takes apart a Tuesday editorial where the Australian foolishly allows itself to be swindled by a British TV show. (Mind you the Australian came back on Thursday with another editorial the next day where they repeated the…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 7, 2007

The Australian doesn’t just make war on climate science, they don’t like epidemiology either, printing Anjana Ahuja’s hatchet job on the Lancet study. Greta at Radio Open Source has posted a response from Les Roberts:
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Posted by Tim Lambert on March 3, 2007

I only wrote my last post on the Australian‘s War on Science a couple of days ago and already there’s more attacks on science from them. First we have this news article: Professor Henderson said yesterday the report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, handed down on February 2, was “alarmist”. He said…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 26, 2007

Last year I wrote about the Australian‘s War on Science. It’s continued this year, leading Ian Musgrave to write: The Australian is Anti-Science, it’s a conclusion I’m reluctant to draw, but the accumulated evidence drives me to it. Read his post to find out why. He then has a post on the next anti-science piece…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 4, 2007

In my review of Chris Mooney’s The Republican War on Science, I contrasted Mooney’s book with Gross and Levitt’s book about the the postmodern left’s war on science, Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science. Now Mooney has got together with Alan Sokal (who punctured the postmodernist view of science) to write…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on September 5, 2006

So, what happens when you hire a coal industry PR guy as your environment writer? You get stories like this, by Matthew Warren: Science tempers fears on climate change The world’s top climate scientists have cut their worst-case forecast for global warming over the next 100 years.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 7, 2006

In January Chris Mitchell, editor in chief of The Australian, was named one of the “dirty dozen”, the twelve people who have done the most to mislead Australians about climate change: As an illustration of how news values now take second place to ideology, The Australian in January ran an anonymous anti-greenhouse news story –…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on July 19, 2006

Last month the National Research Council report on climate reconstructions released its report and basically vindicated the hockey stick. This was widely reported in the media. But not in The Australian. I did a search through the archives of The Australian to see what they had published about the study. They did not report anything…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on August 10, 2005

(Via Irant). Federal Education Minister Brendan Nelson launched the Australian Science Festival with this: Intelligent design, which is damned by critics as a front for biblical Creationism, argues that life on Earth is too complex to have evolved purely through Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Dr Nelson said yesterday he had met Campus Crusade for…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on June 16, 2007

I’ve written before about the Australian‘s war on science (see Part I II III IV V VI VII VIII). According to the Australian global warming isn’t happening and we’re not causing it and stopping it would destroy the economy. Now, in a barking mad editorial (entitled, I kid you not, “Reality bites the psychotic Left”)…
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Posted by Tim Lambert on September 5, 2006

So, what happens when you hire a coal industry PR guy as your environment writer? You get stories like this, by Matthew Warren: Science tempers fears on climate change The world’s top climate scientists have cut their worst-case forecast for global warming over the next 100 years.
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Posted by Tim Lambert on February 22, 2006

Last week I wrote about the greenhouse mafia in Australia. This week, Clive Hamilton has named the “dirty dozen”, the twelve people who have worked together to mislead Australians about climate change. The Age reports: Speaking at the Australia-New Zealand Climate Change and Business Conference yesterday, Dr Clive Hamilton dubbed the group – including Prime…

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