

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Things Anthropogenic Global Warming deniers got wrong in 2012

8 Things (among many): Deniers got wrong in 2012


1.  Sea level 

2.  Sea temperature


10 Things Deniers failed to tell you about in 2012:

2.  PwC Study: We’re Headed To 11°F Warming And Even 7°F Requires ‘Nearly Quadrupling The Current Rate Of Decarbonisation’ • 

3.  World Meteorological Society: Warming Is ‘Unequivocal’, We’re The ‘Dominant Cause’, We Need ‘Rapid Reduction’ Of CO2 • 

4.  Shocking World Bank Climate Report: ‘A 4°C [7°F] World Can, And Must, Be Avoided’ To Avert ‘Devastating’ Impacts • 

5.  Munich Re: “The only plausible explanation for the rise in weather-related catastrophes is climate change” • 

6.  Research: The Earth Is Warming And Human Activity Is The Primary Cause; The Climate Science Paradigm Grows Stronger • 

7.  Exxon: Carbon Tax Would ‘Play A Significant Role In Addressing Rising Emissions’ • 

8.  Shell: Shell, Unilever Lead 100 Companies Calling for CO2 Price • 

9.  Coal industry/World’s Largest Mining Firm: ‘In A Carbon Constrained World, Coal Is Going To Decline. And Frankly It Should.’ • 

10.  Investors and global companies: Nearly 200 Leading Global Companies And Investors Call For ‘Clear, Stable, Ambitous’ Carbon Price • 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sad thing:  those Deniers deny the science, they deny current events, they even deny reality itself.  It's almost as if they inhabit a different world...

And they sure do seem to hold our planet's life supporting biosphere in contempt...
And they tragically seem to have little interesting in learning from the full spectrum of evidence. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

*Tip of the Hat to OSLO for compiling and sharing this list


Since I'm on a roll, I may as well include this interesting collection from Greg Laden over at

Top Climate Stories of 2012
Posted by Greg Laden on December 28, 2012

Greg suggests that before you look at his list, you should know about this:
Angela’s top Climate Events of 2012 at Weather Wunderground.

I've just given the titles, for the stories and links please do visit

1 Super Storm Sandy
2 Related to Sandy, the direct effects of sea level rise…
3 The Polar Ice Caps and other ice features experienced extreme melting this year.
4 Sea Ice Loss Changes Weather …
5 and 6 Two major melting events happened in Greenland this summer.
7 Massive Ice islands…
8 More Greenhouse Gasses than Ever
9 It Got Hot
10 …and that heat brought extreme, killer heat waves
11 For many areas, this was the year without a Spring.
12 There were widespread, unprecedented and deadly wildfires…
13 There was a major drought…
14 River Traffic Stops
14 Very, very bad storms.
16 Widespread Tree Mortality is underway and is expected to worsen.
17 Biodiversity is mostly down…
18 Unusual Jet Stream Configuration and related changes to general climate patterns…
19 The first climate denial “think” tank to implode as a result of global warming…

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