

Friday, February 14, 2014

Australia's Greg Hunt's War on Science

{edited 2/14/2014 evening}

The right-wing tactic of silencing all who disagree with their economic schemes and of willfully ignoring valid scientific information reaches new heights of contempt for society's welfare.  In Canada we have a government destroying important scientific data and research stations (see here and here).  

Now in Australia they want to legislate immunity from environmental protection laws.  They are demanding the right to completely disregard environmental concerns and laws.

It's like they still haven't figured out we are talking about our life-support system !  

Michael Safi has written an article reporting on the details of this latest insult to humanity.  Here are some key quotes, but I encourage you to visit The Guardian for the full story.

Mining projects: Greg Hunt set to grant himself retrospective legal immunity 
Environment minister faces potential claims he failed to consider advice before approving projects such as Abbot Point dredging  
Michael Safi, Wednesday 12 February 2014 19.43 EST 

"Environment minister Greg Hunt is set to grant himself retrospective legal immunity against potential claims that he failed to consider environmental advice before approving key mining projects. 
A Senate inquiry has cleared the way for a bill to pass the upper house preventing legal challenges to environmental approvals issued by Hunt before 31 December last year, on the grounds the minister ignored expert advice on risks to threatened species. 
Decisions granted immunity include controversial approvals in Queensland of dredging at Abbot Point, an LNG export facility at Curtis Island and a coalmine in the Galilee Basin. ..." 
"Hunt told the lower house the bill was necessary to provide certainty for the mining industry, facing numerous legal appeals by environmentalists against previously approved projects. ..." 
"Greens senator Larissa Waters said the bill “sends the message to the public that the environment minister doesn’t have to make science-based decisions”. …"
"The bill passed in the lower house with Labor’s support. The Senate is expected to debate it in the next sitting week, beginning 3 March."
Looks like another example of the addict's refusal to face up to their own life threatening habit. 

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