

Friday, February 7, 2014

Lord Christopher Monckton 2013 - The Republican poster boy

Lord Christopher Monckton is one of the proofs that the climate science "skeptical" community is dependent on a repetition of artfully crafted misrepresentations, misdirection and an acceptance of blatant lying.  

The infamous threatener of lawsuits, Lord Monckton's popularity continues despite the fact that he's been proven a liar on dozens of counts a hundred times over.  {There are three in particular that stand above the rest - John Abraham, Barry Bickmore and Collin Maessen.} 

The Lord is a political entertainer, a public speaker extraordinaire.  I know, I've listened to many of his videos and spent hours, days, doing a detailed study of one of his talks, coming away very impressed.  He has stage presence, finesse, humor, sharp as a tack, a latin quote for every occasion.  The Lord is a mesmerizer weaving tales of villains and heroes.  Just the stuff for a good evening's entertainment.

But, none of it is serious science.  He misquotes scientists and misstates scientific facts - and his public loves it.  He feels comfortable fabricating facts, such as the lie I caught him in.  {#9} SPPI and Monckton’s claim regarding Greenland's Cryosphere being OK - examined 

He's all rhetorical skills over evidence and facts.  His talking points and "facts" have been shown to be frauds many times over.  Including by me in 2010, {do a search at Citizenschallenge for "Monckton" you'll find all sorts of interesting information.  A little rough and untidy for sure, but better than nothing and you'd be welcome to borrow and improve on any of it  ;- ) }  After all, I'm just the spectator reporting on what I'm observing.  

On the other hand, Professor John Abraham, is a scientist and his factual take down is a classic.  Definitely worth viewing if you want to understand what's actually going on.

A Scientist Replies to Christopher Monckton
Abraham v. Monckton

part 1

To view the entire video from the original source link to
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Also see this interesting recent interview 
with Dr. Abraham
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Another worthy science-based take-down is at:

Lord Monckton’s Rap Sheet
also see

Dr. Barry Bickmore - How to Avoid the Truth About Climate Change

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The tragedy is that when an accomplished scientist like John Abraham, or Barry Bickmore, describes a concise rational fact based critique - which is supposed to be a learning exercise! ~ the Lord's fans react with threats, all the while ignoring the important substance of what Dr. Abraham was trying to explain.

To them what matters is - if you ain't with 'em, you're against 'em.  It's that simple.  Science "skeptics" don't want to think about the actual factual information - attacking the messenger is their gut reaction, because they don't want to know.  Such a "war-footing" makes learning impossible.  

Political entertainers are great for an enjoyable evening - the problem with Monckton's show is that the morning after we have powerful leaders such as the tunnel-visioned Senator Inhofe using him as his scientific brain-trust and Representative Sensenbrenner inviting this jester up to Congress to "advise" our leaders on policies that generations will have to live with.  
The insanity of that is beyond comprehension. 

Begging the question: Why exactly do Republicans and "climate science skeptics" accept such phony rhetoric over an honest assessment of the scientific facts? 

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Back to Lord Monckton's many false and misleading claims and on to the main course of this post.  There is another Monckton study guide in video form available for those interested in understanding Monckton's game along with learning about what climate science is all about.  
I'll let Collin take it from here:

Collin Maessen's 
ventures into scepticism

Climate Changes, But Facts Don’t
13th March 2013

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Climate Changes, But Facts Don't: Debunking Monckton

On the 19th of July in 2011 the National Press Club of Australia held a debate on climate change. In this video I analysed the claims Monckton made during the debate and if they are correct or not. 
The reason I’m doing this is that Monckton challenges his critics to check his sources, or like he put it in this debate “to do your homework”. I’ve taken him up on this to see if the scientific literature, and other available sources, corroborate what he said. 
You will find the full transcript for this video on the pages for each individual segment. On the page for each segment you will also find a full listing of all the sources I used for that particular section of the video. 
If you find any inaccuracies in the transcript, media listing, source listing, or in statements made by me, please do not hesitate to contact me and I’ll correct them as soon as possible.
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Climate Changes, But Facts Don't

01: Introduction
02: The IPCC Can't Predict Future Climates
03: Royal Society Doesn't Know How Much The Planet Will Warm
04: Climate Science Is Done By Consensus
05: Medieval Warm Period And Fraudulent Science
06: The 1995 IPCC Report Was Written By One Man
07: The 2007 IPCC Report Uses A Statistical Fraudulent Technique
08: The World Will Only Warm By One Celsius Degree
09: CO2 Measures In A Single Country Don't Make A Difference
10: It Is Cheaper To Do Nothing Than To Prevent Global Warming
11: The Australian Carbon Tax Will Cause Job Losses
12: The Increase In Global Temperatures Cannot Accelerate
13: Australia Is Now Considered A Sovereign Risk
14: Credential Claims
15: Greenpeace And The Marxist Takeover
16: GM Miracle Rice
17: The Communist Economic Agenda Of Environmentalists
18: The Polarisation Of The Climate Debate
19: There Is No Consensus On Climate Sensitivity
20: Calculating Climate Sensitivity
21: Monckton Has Published In The Peer-reviewed Literature
22: Other Countries Are No Longer Pursuing Climate Measures
23: Lindzen And Choi 2011
24: Spencer And Braswell 2010
25: The Likelihood Of A High Climate Sensitivity Is Small
26: Monckton Is A Member Of The House Of Lords
27: Feedback Loop Gain From Process Engineering Shows Low Climate Sensitivity
28: CO2 Is Plant Food
29: Conclusion 
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A sampling of informative articles:
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Monckton Testimony at US Congress: Ignorance or Perjury?
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The Church of Monckton
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The Monckton Files: Bickmore’s First and Second Laws of Monckton
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Monckton Myths: A one-stop-shop for debunking The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
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Hoity Toity Christopher Monckton sez the Earth is losing energy and other silliness at WUWT
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Climate Misinformer: Christopher Monckton
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How Richard Lindzen Screws Up Climate Science
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Climate Misinformer: Richard Lindzen

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Dr. Richard Lindzen, scientist as fiction writer

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I almost overlooked Peter Hadfield (Potholer54) and Peter Sinclair's (Greenman3610) many examinations of Monckton's nonsense:

Coughlan000 has collected a complete series by Potholer54 into one long video: 
"Potholer54 vs Monckton"
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Monckton Bunkum Part 1 - Global cooling and melting ice
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Monckton responds (part 1/2)
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Potholer54/Greenman3610 - The Search for Lord Monckton

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Lord Monckton: "I've discovered a cure for HIV!"

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Debunking Lord Monckton Part 1

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Debunking Monckton Part 2 (updated)

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Finally, for you conspiracy buffs, what's interesting is that there's a credible theory among some that Lord Monckton isn't all he claims to be, but it's a long story:

The Hamster Wheel: Lord Monckton

The Lord's interview starts at 1:40 - might be the first time the Lord has been speechless, you don't want to miss that.

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