

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Great March for Climate Action needs your help

I received the following email this morning that's worth sharing.  
If you are in a position to help, please do.

Dear Friends,
Let me cut to the chase: The Great March for Climate Action needs to raise $50,000 during the next month if it is to continue.We have marched over 600 miles and have enough funds to get to Albuquerque. But the next critical stretch - Albuquerque to Denver, and then eastward toward the proposed path of the Keystone Pipeline - is in jeopardy if significant funds don't arrive immediately. {Click here to donate now.}

I know that you - my long-time friends and supporters - understand the urgency of the climate crisis. I know that you appreciate the historic impact the March is having - and will continue to have as our numbers grow and momentum builds en route to Washington, DC. And I know that you appreciate the tremendous physical and personal sacrifices that I am making - thatALL of our marchers are making! - to bring this vision to fruition.

What you may not know is this:
We are already accomplishing tremendous things!
  • In the wake of our kick-off in Wilmington, California on March 1st, Valero (the company that threatened to drastically increase refining tar-sands oil in the Port of LA) withdrew its permit due to intense public pressure;
  • Press coverage has been extensive and favorable, not just along the March route but increasingly across the country (click here);
  • The town of Payson, Arizona rolled out the red carpet for us, and organizers there assured us we had a huge impact on the town's conversation about becoming more sustainable;
  • Native American communities in Los Angeles, Parker and Phoenix have been very welcoming and engaging, and our state coordinator in New Mexico has arranged extensive dialogue with Native communities there; and
  • Our outreach through social media is growing by leaps and bounds.
And just this week, our young marchers released a compelling video, which is seeing broad circulation across the country: Reject and Protect.

I have given a lot to my home state of Iowa over the years. You - my friends, supporters and fellow climate patriots - have given me a lot, too. You have made it possible for us to work together to make a clear difference. Today, I am asking you in the strongest possible terms to step forward now, to donate as generously as possible to keep the Great March for Climate Action rolling.

The March's impact on the crisis of our times will reverberate far beyond Iowa, from one end of our country to the other, and beyond our shores to a world looking to us for leadership and resolve. Please continue to help me and our dedicated core of marchers make that happen. Thank you!

Ed Fallon

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