

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Discussion with Pete Ridley #2

Deep down my hope is that some intelligent students read some of these posts, because I've learned that taking the time to answer and hope for a rational discussion with a denialist character like Pete Ridley is a hopeless endeavor.

But, it's not a hopeless exercise if it helps some better understand the types of diversions denialist have honed to a fine art.  Perhaps it'll help some better prepare for the various "debate tricks" and tactics you'll run into if you vocally defend serious professional rational scientists and their findings against the Republican/Libertarian ideologues who see nothing but a political contest to win at all cost with license to fabricate their facts at will.  

Not much else to add.
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Pete Ridley said...
Hi Peter,
I refer your readers to my comment which I copy here, although I suspect that as for my previous comment, you'll decline to post my comments here. 
You really are struggling with this “greenhouse effect” physics, aren’t you. If you look carefully at the pie-charts (NOT graphs) 

~ ~ ~
Is that a fact? 
Since when aren't pie-charts a form of graphs?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
to which I linked, which purport to depict atmospheric composition and the different contributors to the greenhouse-gas component, you ought to recognise that there is a very important greenhouse gas missing!! 
~ ~ ~ 
What's that graph/pie chart at supposed to tell me?

Let me remind you again: “ .. Since the industrial revolution, society has increased that
{all important CO2} greenhouse-gas component by about a third .. ”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Any scientist involved in the CACC issue, such as Dr. Jack Barrett or Professor David Bellamy, would spot it immediately but, like me, you are only a layman. I made it easy for you by providing a second link to an article which talks about this very important missing component but it looks as though I have to go even further to educate you. Try this link ( where you will not only see that same diagram depicting “Atmospheric Composition” but also a significant reference to that all-important missing greenhouse-gas, water vapour.
~ ~ ~
Nice move Ridley - thee 'ol switcheroos
You know I'm talking about the greenhouse gas CO2 - But, Ridley don't want to think about that.  He'd rather change the subject to water vapor and ignore that mankind has increased the important "long-term" atmospheric gas CO2 by a third.

Furthermore Ridley's leaving out that important fact about the amount of water vapor in our atmosphere being intimately linked to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Might I suggest: 

Common Climate Misconceptions 
The Water Vapor Feedback 
Zeke Hausfather  —  February 4, 2008 
"... The answer is that water vapor is indeed responsible for a major portion of Earth’s warming over the past century and for projected future warming. However, water vapor is not the cause of this warming. This is a critical, if subtle, distinction between the role of greenhouse gases as either forcings or feedbacks. In this case, anthropogenic emissions of CO2, methane, and other gases are warming the Earth. This rising average temperature increases evaporation rates and atmospheric water vapor concentrations. Those, in turn, result in additional warming. 
The primary reasons why water vapor cannot be a cause of climate change are its short atmospheric residence time and a basic physical limitation on the quantity of water vapor in the atmosphere for any given temperature (its saturation vapor pressure). The addition of a large amount of water vapor to the troposphere would have little effect on global temperatures in the short term due to the thermal inertia of the climate system. The Earth’s thermal inertia, largely due to the enormous amount of water covering two thirds the planet’s surface, is the primary reason why half the Earth does not freeze over every night and bake every day. As a result, different areas warm over the course of years (for land surface temperatures), decades (for ocean surface temperatures), and even centuries (for deep ocean temperatures and ice sheets). 
For the troposphere to sustain higher absolute humidity requires an increase in air temperature. ..." 
{there's much more to learn, check it out}
- - - 
Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle 
" ...Water vapor concentrations in the air are controlled by Earth’s temperature. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, expand air masses, and lead to higher humidity. Cooling causes water vapor to condense and fall out as rain, sleet, or snow. 
Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, remains a gas at a wider range of atmospheric temperatures than water. Carbon dioxide molecules provide the initial greenhouse heating needed to maintain water vapor concentrations. ..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Maybe now you will understand why I referred to your original comment about “ .. society has increased that greenhouse-gas component .. ” being pseudoscientific gobbledegook. Perhaps also you will understand why I get the impression that all you can do is parrot what CACC-supporters tell you rather than do your own “due diligence” research. [July 6, 2014 at 11:27 AM]

~ ~ ~

Actually all you've show me is another clever diversion from the all important issue of humanity's insane insistence that we should ignore the physical realities that accompany our skyrocketing greenhouse gas injections into our one and only planet's thin atmosphere.

Pumphandle 2012: Time History of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Ridley - PART 2 
You say that “ .. our unlikely connection is on account of mutual blogging regarding that fraud John O'Sullivan, though I haven't taken the time to become acquainted with the particulars of their feud .. ”. Are you just confused or is this~  another of your disingenuous comments? 
~ ~ ~
Neither confused nor disingenuous, lousy with names - so we have met.  Excuse me.
Though now that I've looked back on it I will remind you of my last words in that little series.

PS. Richard Alley "CO2 The Biggest Control Knob"

for the longer lecture link:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
My records show that our first exchanges were back in 2012 and had NOTHING to do with John O’Sullivan. They concerned Dr. Iain Stewart's campaigning to support the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC) hypothesis and its relevance to the CACC-supporting BBC’s claims to impartiality. You had previously claimed that you “ .. do like hearing both sides of a story .. ” so on 16th November 2012 in my comment on your article “BBC Earth The Climate Wars - Dr. Iain Stewart, in 3 parts” ( I gave you another side to Dr. Stewart’s claims in that BBC series. You started off your hasty response to my comment by accusing me of being disingenuous. As I responded then “ .. Maybe 'tis you who is being disingenuous?! .. ”
~ ~ ~
Oh dear the sins we do get hung up on... excuse me for not keeping exquisite records and being a bit casual about all the various characters that I've virtually met over the years.  I have corrected my mistake in the blog you took issue with.  ;- ) 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I don’t recall being aware of your blog prior to that or exchanging opinions with you again until February this year when someone linked from your article “Principia Scientific Int'l versus Dr. Michael Mann” ( to my blog. On 25th July 2012 when you posted that article and linked to my blog I had just added sub-section 2.1 “PSI’s CEO and Legal Consultant John O’Sullivan" to my top article “SpotlightON – Principia Scientific International”. In your article you had said “ .. At Pete Ridley is doing a fine job of examining the details of PSI's beautifully worded 'mission statement' compared to the reality of what they do .. ” but I am not aware that we had exchanged any opinions about John O’Sullivan prior to my comment on 24th February 2014. 

~ ~ ~
Thanks for setting the record, now we can all rest easy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Claiming that you “ .. haven't taken the time to become acquainted with the particulars of their feud .. ” sits uncomfortably alongside your comment on 28th January 2014 “ .. As for my silent pal John O'Sullivan .. check out: .. ”. You obviously HAD taken time to acquaint yourself with articles on my blog involving John O’Sullivan!!
~ ~ ~
Yea, right, that's what I said, John O'Sullivan was the link to my being aware of you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Something that puzzles me is why you included that piece about the other John O’Sullivan, one-time editor of the National Review. Were you just confused, trying in some way to be clever or trying to mislead others? As long ago as July 2012 you were clearly aware of Andrew Skolnick’s comment “ .. O'Sullivan claims .. to be a science writer with major articles published around the world including in National Review .. None of that is true. He is an utterly shameless humbug .. ” (
~ ~ ~
What are you going on about? 
And what does any of that have to do with understanding anything about the physics of climate change?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In my opinion it is prudent for anyone reading your CACC-supporting blog articles, comments and other communications to check and double check what you claim to be facts. As I said in my previous comment about the dishonesty from both sides of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC) debate, you illustrate beautifully that this dishonesty has permeated right down to the level of lay debaters such as we are.

Best regards, Pete

~ ~ ~
You have created quite the impressive argument: 
Because I didn't correctly remember where I first became acquainted with you... the science behind global warming is all a big hoax created by tens of thousands of full time experts around the world - who pretend to do an honest job.

With all due respect Mr. Ridley, now that's what I'd call crazy-making or to use your words pseudoscientific gobbledegook.


  1. I came across another article that does a nice job of explaining the atmospheric CO2 / H2O connection

    Open Knowledge

    Global warming - What role does water vapor really play?

    September 06, 2010

    "Here are the perfect ingredients for a conspiracy theory: water vapor is the most important factor influencing the greenhouse effect but doesn’t feature on the UN’s list of greenhouse gases responsible for anthropogenic global warming.

    Critics of the idea of man-made global warming love this simple fact and have turned it into one of their most potent arguments to sabotage decisive climate action.

    So why doesn’t the UN’s climate body the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) list water vapor as a greenhouse gas? It’s because water vapor does not by itself increase temperatures. It amplifies already occurring warming.

    Water vapor’s role in the Earth’s climate system is defined by the very short time it remains in the atmosphere and actively traps heat. While additional CO2 from factories or airplanes can remain in the atmosphere for centuries, extra water vapor will only remain a few days before raining down as water.

    The concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere is in equilibrium. The atmosphere can only hold more water vapor if overall temperatures increase. So a small warming effect caused by human CO2 emissions will increase the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.

    The added water vapor leads to even more warming, thus amplifying the CO2 warming effect. Water vapor follows temperature changes, it doesn’t cause or, as climatologists say, ‘force’ them…."

  2. Hi Pete,

    Wriggle and squirm as much as you like but you can’t escape the fact that you have demonstrated repeatedly in our recent exchanges just how disingenuous you can be. Readers of our blogs will make up their own minds about which of us is the more trust-worthy. The important message that our exchanges should get across is that people should not just accept what others tell them about CACC (or anything else for that matter) but do their utmost to dig out the facts behind any claims made. Confidence tricksters only succeed because gullible individuals accept on face value what they are told.

    The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC) debate is not driven by science but by the vested interests of politicians, financial investors, environmental activists, the renewable energy industry and anyone else who sees an opportunity to get power or make money (the name John O’Sullivan springs to mind). There were far too many gullible people around who accepted the scientific gobbledegook promoted by such groups and individuals about our use of fossil fuels causing catastrophic changes to the different global climates. That gullibility peaked around 2007 (when I first became involved in the CACC debate) but since the revelations of “Climategate” there is increasing realisation that they were being conned.

    As Christopher Booker said on 24th June 2012 “ .. The great global warming scare has long been dying on its feet .. ” ( The future looks bright!!

    Best regards, Pete

  3. Oh boy another case of big 'skeptical' promises evaporating in the light of day.
    You know Ridley this whole thing has been a dud - I thought you wanted to talk science?

    "Wriggle and squirm as much as I like ???" Who's kidding whom?
    Where is this science of "skeptical" facts you were going to share with me? Surely you don't consider your opinion of me scientific facts?

    You bring up some song'n dance about how I don't understand the climate system and label me gullible - yet I'm the one that's produced some real information explaining the CO2 vs H2O link and why water vapor being a stronger greenhouse gas does nothing to detract from the importance and critical central position of CO2 as the gas of concern.

    And you can't even acknowledge the fact of mankind's hand in skyrocketing our planet's atmospheric concentration of this CO2.

    Instead you respond with name calling and label pasting? That not science that's public relations my good man.

  4. Hi Peter,

    I have posted my response to this same comment on my blog - see

    Best regards, Pete
