

Sunday, December 7, 2014

AmericanThinker: Another hottest year since 1880, Murphy Say What?

On the way to doing other things this morning, I came across a freshly minted article at the AmericanThinker written by one Paul Murphy.  Going through it, I thought: Great, just what we need, another rambling kindergarden-ish cherry-picking collage.  Yea, sure, climate has always changed, tell us something we don't know.  Thing is we are living in today, and it today's radical human caused global warming is unique and it matters to our future!  

Then it started ragging on with childish reasoning and I decided here was another article for my collection.  Though, this time my review will be short, mainly a few observations, followed by a listing of some recent studies looking at what's happening at the North and South Poles of our one and only Earth.
"Yet Another Hottest Year Since 1880?" 
By Paul Austin Murphy | 12/6/2014

"A BBC News piece (published on the 1st of December) informs us about the “record-breaking global temperatures for the year to date”. This is a belated response to an announcement in September made by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the year 2014...
As many people know, exactly the same claim was made for the year 1998 (as well as for years after). It was repeatedly claimed that 1998 was the “warmest year of the millennium”. No, not since 1880 (“when records began”): of “the millennium”. However, some say it was 1934 (in terms of the 20th century); others say otherwise. ...
(In general terms-fact-global temperatures rose-1980s. 1990s rose-peak-1998. However-1980-2000 only rose, few tenths-degree-happened countless times-earth's history. Indeed-place-within even larger parameters-Little Cooling-1940-1975-larger scale-Mediaeval Warm Period-times-warmer 1980s and 1990s. and on and on "
What's that all about?  
What good is tossing out a bunch of discombobulated strands while totally ignoring the underlying geophysics of what's happening?   

Is this what Thinking in America has come to?

Who wrote this piece?  His words make me think of someone who's consumed by hustling and playing the 'Number$ game and such.  All day, all the time.  Doesn't really matter what those numbers represent.  All that matters; is turning those numbers into profits.  

The only message that rings through in this article is an irrational appeal to distrust scientists and ignore the evidence.  

Does that really represent American thinking?  Screaming high octane nonsense at hard working professionals so you can ignore their information.  What's up with that?

Going after Paul calls them a "smug" website. "Smug"? What are they smug about? Murphy never got past his name calling, so it's never explained.  

As for, take a look.  They are all about collecting and sharing climate studies as they get published. is about the passion for learning.  Being exposed to as much information as possible.  They are an online library full of studies, shared and presented with the interested layperson in mind.  It's well organized, and they link back to original sources.  

Their comments threads are civil, informative, and remain on topic.  What's not to like?  Heck, what's not to be impressed with?  The SkS website is enlightened learning at it's best.  But this American Thinker sniffs: a tad "smug."  What you got against learning, bub?

We are talking about understanding the geophysical behavior of our planet, to the best of our imperfect yet advanced abilities.  But, this class-clown has no time for that, and can't do any better than:  Clearly-market-website titled: 'Skeptical Science: Getting skeptical about skepticism about global-warming skepticism'.  Absolute disinterest in understanding stuff.  All about playing his crowd and racking political points.

What's up with that?  I know.  It's about out-screaming the information that real experts are sharing with us.  Keeping the public as confused and apathetic as possible.

Mr. Murphy, skepticism is a joke without an honest desire to learn; keep in mind one directional skepticism, equals denial.

Skepticism is about asking questions and wanting answers and being open to best information available, even when that information steps all over pervious understanding/belief.  It's not about winning or ego, it's about learning.  Skepticism is about not fully trusting anyone, not even yourself.  Skepticism is about weeding though nonsense and allowing the evidence to dictate what one trusts.

Why do you folks think understanding our climate system deserves such malicious contempt?  What's wrong with seriously understanding what's happening within this biosphere and climate system that we all depend on for everything?

Later Paul quips:  "So let's face facts here: almost all claims in the global-warming show (both pro and con) are disputed. ..."

Yo Paul,  What's contemptible is when your objections are fabrications and misrepresentations that depend on repeating meaningless talking-point-lies over and over - and then driving home your distraction with personal innuendos that have nothing to do with understanding the geophysics of what we are doing to our one and only home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Our planet has plenty of proof that warming continues, 
and at a frightening pace - you just have to poke around.

A few highlights of what you and your pals have been missing, 
first the South Pole:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
West Antarctic melt rate has tripled in last decade
December 2, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Changing Antarctic winds create new sea level threat
July 7, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Stronger winds may explain puzzling growth of sea ice in Antarctica, model shows
September 18, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Coastal Antarctic permafrost melting faster than expected: Arctic-like melt rates appearing in Coastal Antarctica
July 24, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Warm ocean drives most Antarctic ice shelf loss
June 13, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
New insight into accelerating summer ice melt on the Antarctic Peninsula
April 14, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Summer melt season getting longer on Antarctic Peninsula
March 27, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Warm ocean currents cause majority of ice loss from Antarctica
April 25, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
NASA study examines Antarctic sea ice increases
November 13, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Why Antarctic sea ice cover has increased under the effects of climate change
November 11, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Warm ocean currents cause majority of ice loss from Antarctica

April 25, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Now for an update on the North Pole happening:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Variations in ice sheet height influence global climate
November 3, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014 Arctic sea ice minimum sixth lowest on record
September 23, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Minor variations in ice sheet size can trigger abrupt climate change
August 18, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Melt ponds shine in NASA laser altimeter images
August 4, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Huge waves measured for first time in Arctic Ocean
July 29, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Arctic warming linked to fewer European and U.S. cold weather extremes, new study shows
June 15, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Reduced sea ice area also noted in winter
June 11, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Why Arctic ice is disappearing more rapidly than expected: River ice reveals new twist on Arctic melt
April 2, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Permafrost thaw exacerbates climate change
March 21, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Increase in Arctic cyclones is linked to climate change
February 18, 2014
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cause of global warming hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean
August 21, 2014
University of Washington
Observations show that the heat absent from the Earth's surface for more than a decade is plunging deep in the north and south Atlantic Ocean, and is part of a naturally occurring cycle. Subsurface warming in the ocean explains why global average air temperatures have flatlined since 1999, despite greenhouse gases trapping more solar heat at Earth's surface.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
This video does a heck of a job of putting it in perspective:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014 On Pace for Hottest Year


  1. citizenschallenge said...
    Dear Anonymous at 1:06 AM - your comment is a reflection of Murphy's thoughtless drivel. You write: "Silly scientists can't make up their minds" -
    Bet, you'd never imagine it's you who are silly; and you who have made yourself willfully ignorant.

    Regarding my comment policy: I don't mind challenging comments, but they have to be rational and based in the real world, not in your style of angry lalaland. Try again with something more intelligent. Oh and when you make claims, provide sources, not convenient headlines.

    Comment at 1:06AM rejected!

  2. Oh and 1:06AM, Paul and pals,
    here's a challenge for all you smartypants:
    "Why climate change deniers owe us a (scientific) explanation"

  3. Sorry. I was being silly. I thought the 8P would make that obvious. Of course they can all be the hottest year. Just 'cuz this year is hottest doesn't mean that next can't be hotter still. "First they said 1998 was the hottest, then they said 2010, now they say 2014?" so what. It's getting hotter. Waddaya expect.

  4. OK, sorry.
    Guess my humor level is a bit low after all my time with Steele lately and then this Murphy fool -
    and the sheople just eat it up.

    Thanks for looking in.

  5. I see that Murphy has written an article at AT complaining about me, but avoiding the topic of him misrepresenting the fact of our warming biosphere. Rereading this post I notice it's a bit long winded and rambling, so I'll highlight the essence of what I was trying to get across:

    "Mr. Murphy,
    skepticism is a joke without an honest desire to learn; keep in mind one directional skepticism, equals denial.

    Skepticism is about asking questions and wanting answers and being open to best information available, even when that information steps all over pervious understanding/belief.

    It's not about winning or ego, it's about learning. Skepticism is about not fully trusting anyone, not even yourself. Skepticism is about weeding though nonsense and allowing the evidence to dictate what one trusts.

    Why do you folks think understanding our climate system deserves such malicious contempt? What's wrong with seriously understanding what's happening within this biosphere and climate system that we all depend on for everything?"
