

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Easy reference guide to University of Queenslands' DENIAL101x videos

I wanted a quick reference to the various Denial101x videos I watched as I took the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) of the University of Queensland in Australia (in their joint effort with John CookBärbel Winkler and the volunteers at  

I know these videos are listed at YouTube, but it's all so clunky that I decided to put together my own single sheet linkable list of all the videos.  First the course videos for each of the six weekly installments, followed by a listing of the complete interviews with accomplished scientists and other experts.  

Considering the malicious slander many climate scientists must endure, this is a gold mine of insights into who these scientists actually are and how they've arrived at their conclusions.  (Please note I've linked scientist's names to accessible internet bios, for a bit more background.)

It took some time and effort so I figure I may as well share it - as a public service and also my way of saying thank you to John Cook and all the hard working very smart people over at who put in countless hours of effort to make this course such a success.

An excellent antidote for all the disinformation being posted on the internet. 
Feel free to copy and pass along.


Denial101x - Week 1

Asking the questions: 
Why is climate change so controversial among the general public when there’s no controversy among climate scientists?
With all the evidence, resulting in a consensus, what is driving the rejection of climate science

Interviews with Ben Santer, Naomi Oreskes, Peter Doran, Stephan Lewandowsky, Larry Hamilton, Katharine Hayhoe, Michael Mann, Eugenie Scott, Ritayan Mitra, Josh Rosenau.


Denial101x - Week 2

Going back to basics. Examining the many different indicators that our planet is warming. Looking at the heat building up in our climate system and how that affects heat records and sea level rise, the growing contributor to sea level rise: melting ice. 
Including the challenges of putting together a global temperature record, and what’s been causing some recent intense winters in the Northern Hemisphere.


Denial101x - Week 3

Last week, UQx looked at all the evidence that global warming is happening. 
This week, we ask the question - what’s causing it? 
In three parts.
Gavin Cawley and Andy Skuce examine how carbon moves around our climate system.
Mark Richardson and Sarah Green  look at the greenhouse effect in more detail.
Dana Nuccitelli, Mark Richardson and Sarah Green observations of human fingerprints
Ben Santer leading expert in human climate fingerprinting, IPCC lead author.  

UQx DENIAL101x Increasing greenhouse effect  (4:11)
UQx DENIAL101x Reinforcing feedback  (5:34)
UQx DENIAL101x Structure of the atmosphere  (4:51)

Denial101x - Week 4

This week is divided into two - the past and the future. 
Peter Jacobs takes us into the deep past, millions of years ago when CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than today.
Robert Way the medieval warm period just under 1000 years ago.
Andy Skuce the Little Ice Age, in the 1800s.
Daniel Bedford what climate scientists were predicting in the 1970s.
Dana Nuccitelli explains how climate models are based on fundamental physical principles. He looks at how predictions based on physics tend to be a lot more accurate than predictions based on wishful thinking.
Keah Schuenemann explains the difference between weather and climate. She’ll also examine how climate scientists have a tendency to underestimate climate impacts.

Interviews with David Stevens, Katrin Meissner, Andy Pitman, Tim Osborn, Gregg Webb.

UQx DENIAL101x The Little Ice Age
UQx DENIAL101x From the experts: The past  (10:06)
UQx DENIAL101x Medieval warm period  (5:48)
UQx DENIAL101x Confused decline  (5:27)
UQx DENIAL101x From the experts: The decline  (6:57)
UQx DENIAL101x Principles that models are built on  (4:44)
UQx DENIAL101x Success stories  (5:52)
UQx DENIAL101x Weather vs climate  (6:24)
UQx DENIAL101x Climate science in the 1970s  (5:57)
UQx DENIAL101x Future Ice Age  (4:55)
UQx DENIAL101x Tendency to underestimate climate impacts  (5:40)
UQx DENIAL101x From the experts: Climate models  (10:31)
UQx DENIAL101x Week 4 wrap up  (2:33)

Denial101x - Week 5

Looks at impacts of manmade global warming in an effort to answer the question:
How is climate change affecting human societies, natural environments, and the species we share.  
Longer and hotter heatwaves, more intense rainfall and other forms of extreme weather cause impacts that ripple through every aspect of society. (cascading consequences)
Heron Island Research Station on the Great Barrier Reef, where scientists are researching the combined impacts of global warming and ocean acidification on coral reefs. 
Debunking a number of myths that try to downplay their significance.


Denial101x - Week 6

What does the evidence tell us is the most effective approach in reducing the influence of misconceptions? Given the complexities of how the human brain works, what’s the best way to debunk a myth?

Interviews with scientists researching the psychology of climate change, Dan Lunt, Ullrich Ecker, Michael Ranney, Courtney St John, Simon Donner, Mark McCaffrey.

Here's an article by Collin Maessen who was one of the videographers who made these interviews possible.  He includes a list of short introductions to the various interviewees, very cool.

A Historic Series Of Interviews At The AGU 2014 Fall Meeting
Collin Maessen | December 30, 2014

"During the AGU Fall Meeting I had the honor of working with Peter Sinclair of Climate Denial Crock of the Week and John Cook of Skeptical Science, interviewing an amazing line-up of scientists and science communicators. "  {continue here}


Denial101x - Week 1 Full Interviews


Denial101x - Week 2 Full Interviews


Denial101x - Week 3 Full Interviews


Denial101x - Week 4 Full Interviews


Denial101x - Week 5 Full Interviews


Denial101x - Week 6 Full Interviews


Also link to 
For SkepticalScience's own index page.

References for the Denial101x MOOC

By LarryM, BaerbelW , MichaelK

The EdX MOOC "Denial101x - Making Sense of Climate Science Denial" is fully supported by peer-reviewed research.  This page presents the comprehensive list of references with links to the corresponding papers.  The index below is organized by week and by lecture topic, and there is a corresponding list of MOOC lecture videos and expert interviews.


  1. I also did this MOOC - thank you for this as I can now refer friends and acquaintances to this instead of just trying to explain

  2. That's very cool to hear.
    It was my pleasure.

  3. Thank you very much for this. I'll be using it a lot for reference.
