

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Discovered and revealed! - Where the climate codes and data have been hiding

Continuing my walk down memory lane in honor of the Paris Climate Conference, (well and also for my pal AL with his hate-on for Dr. Mann and rejection of climate proxy data in general as described in the comments thread at Prof Ivar Giaever's pathetic YouTube PseudoScience talk), I'm going to reprint a few posts I'd originally written for my Citizenschallenge Blog a couple years back since the information they hold is a valid and relevant today as it was then.
A lot of folks have been convinced climatologists are hiding data - that's why it was interesting to came across this list while I was compiling my previous post.  It doesn't quite jive with the steady stream of accusations and innuendo folks like, Ivar Gaiever and ClimateAudit's Mr. McIntyre keep sending out: 
"I have an ongoing campaign to improve standards of data archiving, disclosure and due diligence - which are independent of any particular substantive points on paleoclimate studies. I have no idea why the “Hockey Team”, as they styled themselves, have elected to withhold data and methods from scrutiny; it’s an unwinnable position, but they’ve done so and I’ll continue to criticize them on this point." (ClimateAudit, Blog Rules and Road Map)
I think a review of the following list makes clear that such talk is political dirty tricks - and not a reflection of reality or the situation within the climate science community.

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Data Sources
Filed under: — group @ 27 November 2009

This page is a catalogue that will be kept up to date pointing to selected sources of code and data related to climate science. Please keep us informed of any things we might have missed, or any updates to the links that are needed.
  • Climate data (raw)
  • Climate data (processed)
  • Paleo-data
  • Auxiliary data
  • Paleo Reconstructions (including code)
  • Large-scale model (Reanalysis) output
  • Large-scale model (GCM) output
  • Model codes (GCMs)
  • Model codes (other)
  • Data Visualisation and Analysis
  • Master Repositories of climate and other Earth Science data
Climate data (raw)
  • GHCN v.2 (Global Historical Climate Network: weather station records from around the world, temperature and precipitation)
  • USHCN US. Historical Climate Network (v.1 and v.2)
  • World Monthly Surface Station Climatology UCAR
  • AERONET Aerosol information
  • Arctic data from the Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (CADIS)
Climate data (processed)
  • AHVRR data as used in Steig et al (2009)
  • GISP2 (note that the age model has been updated)
Auxiliary data
Paleo Reconstructions (including code)
Large-scale model (Reanalysis) output
These are weather models which have the real world observations assimilated into the solution to provide a ‘best guess’ of the evolution of weather over time (although pre-satellite era estimates (before 1979) are less accurate).
  • ERA40 (1957-2001, from ECMWF)
  • ERA-Interim (1989 – present, ECMWF’s latest project)
  • NCEP (1948-present, NOAA), NCEP-2
  • JRA-25 (1979-2004, Japanese Met. Agency)
Large-scale model (GCM) output
These is output from the large scale global models used to assess climate change in the past, and make projections for the future. Some of this output is also available via the Data Visualisation tools linked below.
  • CMIP3 output (~20 models, as used by IPCC AR4) at PCMDI
Model codes (GCMs)
Downloadable codes for some of the GCMs.
Model codes (other)
This category include links to analysis tools, simpler models or models focussed on more specific issues.
  • ModTran (atmospheric radiation calculations and visualisations)
  • CliMT a Python-based software component toolkit
  • Pyclimate Python tools for climate analysis
  • CDAT Tools for analysing climate data in netcdf format (PCMDI)
  • RegEM (Tapio Schneider)
Data Visualisation and Analysis
These sites include some of the above data (as well as other sources) in an easier to handle form.
  • Dapper (PMEL, NOAA)
  • Ingrid (IRI/LDEO Climate data library)
Master Repositories of Climate Data
Much bigger indexes of data sources:
  • NCDC (National Climate Data Center)

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