

Monday, January 25, 2016

Confronting Malicious Ignorance - Poptech, what about this list?

Andrew Poptech himself responded to my recent blog post - of course, he dismisses every critique leveled against him, acknowledging nothing, learning nothing.  You have a choice: believe him, believe others, or take the time to read up and learn about it yourself, then make up your own mind.

Andrew Poptech is an example of someone who has convinced himself that so long as he can put together endless lists and classify them according to his own personal desires that it's the truth and nothing but the "truth" - and the Republican/libertarian PR machine agrees, so they put plenty of wind under the man's wings.  

But, in the end of the day Andrew Poptech's lists are a dilettante's game that don't inform anyone about anything - it's great for wagging doubt in front of the uninformed, disinterested, who are more worried about getting through the day than understanding what's happening to our physical planet.  But that is all it's good for.  Has nothing to do with learning.

Think about Poptech's game.  He believes he can dismiss the entire community of scientists who have been focused on learning how our climate system operates.  Genuine trained experts (well over a centuries worth and from around the globe!) who are striving to understand the details of this global warming we are experiencing.  People who have done an excellent job of learning about it and sharing their information with those willing to listen.  

All of that, Andrew Poptech and pals dismiss with a self-certain wave and a stack of papers classified according to his druthers, it's nothing but vacuous doubt mongering.

Serious science is done in the full light of day and is exposed to the examination of thousands of skeptical informed professionals.  Foremost it is about learning and clarifying.  

Since Andrew Poptech is enamored with long lists I though it only appropriate to post the list of references attached to the IPCC section that deals with understanding our planet's paleoclimate history.  Poptech what about this list?

Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis - Key Findings

IPCC's Chapter 5 - Information from Paleoclimate Archives
Table of Content
Executive Summary..................................................................... 385
  1. 5.1  Introduction ...................................................................... 388 
  2. 5.2  Pre-Industrial Perspective on Radiative
    Forcing Factors................................................................. 388 
    1. 5.2.1  External Forcings....................................................... 388 
    2. 5.2.2  Radiative Perturbations from Greenhouse Gases
      and Dust ................................................................... 391 
Box 5.1: Polar Amplification..................................................... 396 
5.3 Earth System Responses and Feedbacks at
Global and Hemispheric Scales................................... 398
  1. 5.3.1  High-Carbon Dioxide Worlds and Temperature.......... 398 
  2. 5.3.2  Glacial–Interglacial Dynamics................................... 399 
Box 5.2: Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions ................................. 402
  1. 5.3.3  Last Glacial Maximum and Equilibrium
    Climate Sensitivity .................................................... 403 
  2. 5.3.4  Past Interglacials....................................................... 407 
  3. 5.3.5  Temperature Variations During the
    Last 2000 Years ......................................................... 409 
5.4 Modes of Climate Variability ....................................... 415
  1. 5.4.1  Tropical Modes.......................................................... 415 
  2. 5.4.2  Extratropical Modes.................................................. 415 
5.5 Regional Changes During the Holocene .................. 417
  1. 5.5.1  Temperature .............................................................. 417 
  2. 5.5.2  Sea Ice ...................................................................... 420 
  3. 5.5.3  Glaciers ..................................................................... 421 
5.8 Paleoclimate Perspective on Irreversibility in
the Climate System
......................................................... 433
5.8.1 Ice Sheets.................................................................. 433 5.8.2 Ocean Circulation...................................................... 433 5.8.3 Next Glacial Inception............................................... 435
5.9 Concluding Remarks....................................................... 435 References .................................................................................. 436
Appendix 5.A: Additional Information on Paleoclimate Archives and Models .................................................................. 456
Frequently Asked Questions
5 5.5.4
5.5.5 Megadroughts and Floods ........................................ 422
Monsoon Systems and Convergence Zones .............. 421
5.6 Past Changes in Sea Level ............................................ 425
  1. 5.6.1  Mid-Pliocene Warm Period ........................................ 425 
  2. 5.6.2  The Last Interglacial .................................................. 425 
  3. 5.6.3  Last Glacial Termination and Holocene ..................... 428 
5.7 Evidence and Processes of Abrupt
Climate Change
................................................................ 432
FAQ 5.1 FAQ 5.2
Is the Sun a Major Driver of Recent Changes
in Climate?
.............................................................. 392
How Unusual is the Current Sea Level Rate
of Change?
.............................................................. 430

Information from Paleoclimate Archives

References (pages 436-455)                                                                                    
Well I couldn't fit the whole list into this post, please link to                                     

The IPCC: Who Are They and Why Do Their Climate Reports Matter?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Understanding the IPCC Reports
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
FAQ: IPCC's Upcoming Climate Change Report Explained
By Denise Chow, Staff Writer   |   September 18, 2013 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For a little hard evidence about "cooling" see, Global Analysis - Annual 2009 -
and's-surface-temperature-stop-rising-past-decade (Here we have an example of "seepage" since surface temps never actually stopped rising, it was just the rate of increase that moderated, but that's all over now, sadly no one on that side of the aisle has the courage to look at the evidence and admit what is happening.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
9 out of 10 top climate change deniers linked with Exxon Mobil
Mihai Andrei  |  May 10, 2011
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Carbon Brief's review of Poptech's list:

Part 1 - Analyzing the 900 papers supporting climate skeptics 9 out of top 10 authors linked to ExxonMobil

Part 2 - Using our paper to support skepticism of anthropogenic global warming is misleading.

Part 3 - Energy and Environment – “journal of choice for climate skeptics”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarmism
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Poptech’s list of Confusion
800 papers disputing the theory of climate change!! Can it be true, or is this an over-reaction?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted on 13 February 2011 by Rob Honeycutt

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