

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Whoa Poptech. Your turn to answer some questions.

This afternoon Poptech piled on more comments defending Poptech's List of Confusion. Two were a list of 14points no less, adding up to over 700 words.  The irony is great, considering he's the fellow who wrote: January 26, 2016 at 1:22 AM Poptech: *"Now you are making libelous claims that I attempt to "overwhelm with self-serving rhetoric"?"*

It's another self-certain gish-gallop and a masterpiece of rationalization with more than a little bit of the hubristic self aggrandizing about it.  As Poptech should know by now, when I get such material, I save it for a closer examination and I will be posting that when I get to it, along with a thoughtful critique and supplemental information. 

But first, I think Poptech owes it to intellectual integrity to answer some simple questions himself.  

Why should anyone bother with his list?  It's worthless.

If Poptech doesn't agree, please explain what purpose it serves, in connection to understanding what's happening to our climate system?

Even more fundamental, Please tell us why you believe we should not trust the collective information all these professional outfits have amassed?


CO2 levels were greater in the deep distant past
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On adding ~3 billion metric tons of CO2
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The IPCC: Who Are They and Why Do Their Climate Reports Matter?
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Understanding the IPCC Reports
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FAQ: IPCC's Upcoming Climate Change Report Explained
Global Analysis - Annual 2009 - 
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Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis - Key Findings
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IPCC's Chapter 5 - Information from Paleoclimate Archives
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IPCC - Chapter 6.6 The Last 2,000 Years
6.6.1 Northern Hemisphere Temperature Variability What Do Reconstructions Based on Palaeoclimatic Proxies Show?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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