

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Steele saga - Repost 5/5 - Jim watts up with your venomous self-indignation?

This is a reposting of the last of five responses I made regarding various aspects of Jim Steele's 1/7/15 WattsUpWithThat 'essay' - in light of Steele's recent comment, I think it's only fair to bring it up again.

I wrote this after a good week had passed and the dust settled, and having had a chance to think about the entire episode.  I found Jim's behavior so strange, I decided to ask him about it.  Of course, no response was received.  That's why I now find it curious that he's been creeping around here lately, like a kid with a new pea shooter.

Jim talks big, but there's no substance behind his words.  Prove me wrong Jim, let's have that debate.  How about it?  A thoughtful, substantive one, in writing.  Posted at our respective blogs for others to judge. 
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Jim Steele watts up with your venomous self-indignation?

Dear Jim Steele,

With time to reflect, I'm confused by your display of moral outrage in that January 7th WUWT broadside? Come on, lighten up, you should recognized the Shakespearian overtones and appreciate we were made for each other.  

Besides, it was you who jumped into my lil climate change sparing camp over at SkepticForum back last spring.... you were the big shot daring anyone to dispute your nonsense.  Did you really think I was going to allow your Republican/libertarian "hey no worries, it's all a hoax" challenge to go unanswered?  Then in your IEEE 'climate science horror' series and LandscapesAndCycle you're the one that told folks to check original sources.  Well, I have and I've received responses including many full texts of published studies from:

Dr. Ainley,
Dr. Breckner,
Dr. Fretwell,
Dr. Guillaume,
Dr. Jenouvrier,
Dr. Kaiser,
Dr. Kato,
Dr. La Rue,
Dr. Tate,
with a couple still in the pipeline.  {And that's just for my most recent project reviewing your 7/1/14 "Blinded by Beliefs, Penguin Poop" article.  Due to be posted any day now.}

Be happy!  Here we are "Citizenschallenge"  vs  "LandscapesAndCycles"

You, the defending champ of  "NoWorries - it's a hoax" 
Me, the advocate for "Learning about our Global Heat Distribution Engine"  

We've even achieved an audience.  All we need is a good cartoonist to document it.   ;- )  

For the record, I hold no animosity towards you the person Jim Steele, (a fellow child and lover of the Sierra Nevada Mtns), and I don't understand why any needs to be fabricated.

My issue is with the words and memes and nonstop derision poured onto scientists who don't deserve it.  My target is the misrepresentation of the scientific process and published papers and the ignoring of inconvenient facts and observations.  My goal is educational, both my own and anyone else who might be interested.

Please, never forget it's the dishonest claims... those false Republican/libertarian memes you parrot, who are my enemies, not you personally!  I'm simply striving to convince you, and onlookers, of the errors in your words.



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