

Sunday, July 17, 2016

This delusionals call an 11 year Hurricane Drought?

I’m mulling over another atrocious piece of Climate Science Contrarian Fraud, this time by one Steven Capozzola a corporate public relations guy turned self-styled smarter-than-the-experts pundit.  His article “Climatologist Tries to Justify 11-year Hurricane Drought in New York Times Op-Ed” , July 15, 2016, ClimateChangeDispatch has been another parade of crafty disinformation intent on dumbing down its readers, you can read about it in my next posting.

In any event, the following paragraphs got me to looking into this supposed hurricane drought and here's a list of Atlantic and East Pacific ocean hurricanes and tropical storms since 2005, followed by a look at  2015 Northern Hemisphere category 4 and 5 hurricanes.  This information put the lie to Capozzola's spin fest.

Capozzola writes: It’s interesting to note that Sobel couches his statements with a series of disclaimers. Of hurricanes and climate, he says the “knowledge is far from perfect.” And he cites the arguments of his opponents to make a few safe caveats—he blames “natural variability” for the current hurricane drought.

Steven is the one couching his deceptive claim that simply because our coast has, sort of, been spared major hurricane damage in the past few years that somehow means we shouldn't be listening to the actual experts.

I know these weren’t category 3 or above, but seems to me they were pretty good lessons in what global warming enhanced storms will be doing to our coast, but then some refuse to learn:

Hurricane Ike - September 2008
Although it was classified as a category 2 storm, Ike remains the third costliest hurricane in U.S. history after Katrina and 1992’s Andrew. Total damage: $25 billion, mostly in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Hurricane Sandy - October 29, 2012
Summary: Hurricane Sandy was the 18th named tropical cyclone of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 - November 30). Sandy formed in the central Caribbean on October 22nd and intensified into a hurricane as it tracked north across Jamaica, eastern Cuba and the Bahamas. Sandy moved northeast of the United States until turning west toward the mid Atlantic coast on the 28th. Sandy transitioned into a post-tropical cyclone just prior to moving onshore near Atlantic City, NJ. For a complete summary of Sandy, view the National Hurricane Center Sandy Tropical Cyclone Report

Hurricane Patricialandfall near Playa Cuixmala in Jalisco state of southwest Mexico on October 23rd, 2015 had sustained winds topping out at 215 MPH and the atmospheric pressure dropped to 872 millibars (lowest on record in the Western Hemisphere and second lowest ever recorded in the world.)
Capozzola writes: Again, it’s somewhat embarrassing that the New York Times would publish an op-ed that essentially says: ‘We haven’t seen any major hurricanes for 11 years, we don’t really know why, our climate science is uncertain, our predictive computer models are limited, but we’re certain we’ll see more frequent and intense hurricanes soon because of increased CO2 emissions.’

What’s embarrassing is that adults embrace such a cartoonish perception of our global heat and moisture distribution system, aka the climate system we depend on for everything.

Atlantic Hurricane Season

Tropical Storm Arlene – PDF
Tropical Storm Bret – PDF
Hurricane Cindy1PDF
Hurricane Dennis2PDF
Hurricane Emily – PDF
Tropical Storm Franklin – PDF
Tropical Storm Gert – PDF
Tropical Storm Harvey – PDF
Hurricane Irene – PDF
Tropical Depression Ten – PDF
Tropical Storm Jose – PDF
Hurricane Katrina3PDF
Tropical Storm Lee – PDF
Hurricane Maria – PDF
Hurricane Nate – PDF
Hurricane Ophelia4PDF
Hurricane Philippe – PDF
Hurricane Rita5PDF
Tropical Depression Nineteen – PDF
Hurricane Stan – PDF
Subtropical Storm (Unnamed)6PDF
Tropical Storm Tammy – PDF
Subtropical Depression Twenty-Two – PDF
Hurricane Vince – PDF
Hurricane Wilma7PDF
Tropical Storm Alpha – PDF
Hurricane Beta – PDF
Tropical Storm Gamma – PDF
Tropical Storm Delta – PDF
Hurricane Epsilon – PDF
Tropical Storm Zeta – PDF
Tropical Storm Alberto1PDF
Tropical Storm (Unnamed)2PDF
Tropical Storm Beryl – PDF
Tropical Storm Chris – PDF
Tropical Storm Debby – PDF
Hurricane Ernesto – PDF
Hurricane Florence3PDF
Hurricane Gordon – PDF
Hurricane Helene – PDF
Hurricane Isaac – PDF
Subtropical Storm Andrea – PDF
Tropical Storm Barry – PDF
Tropical Storm Chantal – PDF
Hurricane Dean – PDF
Tropical Storm Erin – PDF
Hurricane Felix – PDF
Tropical Storm Gabrielle – PDF
Hurricane Humberto – PDF
Tropical Storm Ingrid – PDF
Tropical Depression Ten – PDF
Tropical Storm Jerry – PDF
Hurricane Karen1PDF
Hurricane Lorenzo – PDF
Tropical Storm Melissa – PDF
Tropical Depression Fifteen – PDF
Hurricane Noel – PDF
Tropical Storm Olga – PDF
Tropical Storm Arthur – PDF
Hurricane Bertha – PDF
Tropical Storm Cristobal – PDF
Hurricane Dolly – PDF
Tropical Storm Edouard – PDF
Tropical Storm Fay – PDF
Hurricane Gustav1PDF
Hurricane Hanna – PDF
Hurricane Ike2PDF
Tropical Storm Josephine – PDF
Hurricane Kyle – PDF
Tropical Storm Laura – PDF
Tropical Storm Marco – PDF
Tropical Storm Nana – PDF
Hurricane Omar – PDF
Tropical Depression Sixteen – PDF
Hurricane Paloma – PDF
Tropical Depression One – PDF
Tropical Storm Ana – PDF
Hurricane Bill – PDF
Tropical Storm Claudette – PDF
Tropical Storm Danny – PDF
Tropical Storm Erika – PDF
Hurricane Fred – PDF
Tropical Depression Eight – PDF
Tropical Storm Grace – PDF
Tropical Storm Henri – PDF
Hurricane Ida – PDF
Hurricane Alex – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Two – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Bonnie – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Colin – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Five – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Danielle – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Earl1PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Fiona – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Gaston – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Hermine – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Igor – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Julia – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Karl – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Lisa – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Matthew2PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Nicole3PDFKMZ
Hurricane Otto – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Paula – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Richard4PDFKMZ
Hurricane Shary – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Tomas5PDFKMZ

Tropical Storm Arlene – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Bret – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Cindy – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Don – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Emily – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Franklin – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Gert – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Harvey – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Irene – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Ten – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Jose – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Katia – PDFKMZ
Unnamed Tropical Storm1PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Lee – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Maria – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Nate2PDFKMZ
Hurricane Ophelia – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Philippe – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Rina – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Sean – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Alberto – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Beryl – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Chris – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Debby – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Ernesto – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Florence – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Gordon – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Helene – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Isaac – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Joyce – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Kirk – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Leslie – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Michael – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Nadine – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Oscar – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Patty – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Rafael – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Sandy – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Tony – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Andrea – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Barry – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Chantal – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Dorian – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Erin – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Fernand – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Gabrielle – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Eight – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Humberto – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Ingrid – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Jerry – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Karen – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Lorenzo – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Melissa – PDFKMZ
Subtropical Storm Unnamed – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Arthur1PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Two – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Bertha2PDFKMZ
Hurricane Cristobal – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Dolly – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Edouard – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Fay3PDFKMZ
Hurricane Gonzalo4PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Hanna – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Ana – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Bill – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Claudette – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Danny – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Erika – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Fred – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Grace – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Henri – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Depression Nine – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Ida – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Joaquin – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Kate – PDFKMZSHP

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Seasons

Hurricane Adrian – PDF
Tropical Storm Beatriz – PDF
Tropical Storm Calvin – PDF
Tropical Storm Dora – PDF
Tropical Storm Eugene – PDF
Hurricane Fernanda – PDF
Tropical Storm Greg – PDF
Hurricane Hilary – PDF
Tropical Storm Irwin – PDF
Hurricane Jova – PDF
Hurricane Kenneth – PDF
Tropical Storm Lidia – PDF
Hurricane Max – PDF
Tropical Storm Norma – PDF
Hurricane Otis – PDF
Tropical Depression Sixteen-E – PDF
Tropical Storm Aletta – PDF
Tropical Depression Two-E – PDF
Hurricane Bud – PDF
Hurricane Carlotta – PDF
Hurricane Daniel1PDF
Tropical Storm Emilia – PDF
Tropical Storm Fabio – PDF
Tropical Storm Gilma – PDF
Hurricane Hector – PDF
Hurricane Ileana – PDF
Hurricane John – PDF
Hurricane Kristy – PDF
Hurricane Lane – PDF
Tropical Storm Miriam – PDF
Tropical Storm Norman – PDF
Tropical Storm Olivia – PDF
Hurricane Paul – PDF
Tropical Depression Eighteen-E – PDF
Tropical Storm Rosa – PDF
Tropical Depression Twenty-E – PDF
Hurricane Sergio – PDF
Tropical Storm Alvin – PDF
Tropical Storm Barbara – PDF
Tropical Depression Three-E – PDF
Tropical Depression Four-E – PDF
Tropical Depression Five-E – PDF
Hurricane Cosme – PDF
Tropical Storm Dalila – PDF
Tropical Storm Erick – PDF
Hurricane Flossie – PDF
Tropical Storm Gil – PDF
Hurricane Henriette – PDF
Hurricane Ivo – PDF
Tropical Depression Thirteen-E – PDF
Tropical Storm Juliette – PDF
Tropical Storm Kiko – PDF
Tropical Storm Alma – PDF
Hurricane Boris – PDF
Tropical Storm Cristina – PDF
Tropical Storm Douglas – PDF
Tropical Depression Five-E – PDF
Hurricane Elida – PDF
Hurricane Fausto – PDF
Hurricane Genevieve – PDF
Hurricane Hernan – PDF
Tropical Storm Iselle – PDF
Tropical Storm Julio – PDF
Tropical Storm Karina – PDF
Tropical Storm Lowell – PDF
Hurricane Marie – PDF
Hurricane Norbert – PDF
Tropical Storm Odile – PDF
Tropical Depression Seventeen-E – PDF
Tropical Storm Polo – PDF
Tropical Depression One-E – PDF
Hurricane Andres – PDF
Tropical Storm Blanca – PDF
Hurricane Carlos – PDF
Tropical Storm Dolores – PDF
Tropical Depression Six-E/Tropical Storm Lana1PDF
Tropical Storm Enrique – PDF
Hurricane Felicia – PDF
Tropical Depression Nine-E – PDF
Hurricane Guillermo – PDF
Tropical Storm Hilda – PDF
Tropical Storm Ignacio – PDF
Hurricane Jimena – PDF
Tropical Storm Kevin – PDF
Hurricane Linda – PDF
Tropical Storm Marty – PDF
Tropical Storm Nora – PDF
Tropical Storm Olaf – PDF
Tropical Storm Patricia – PDF
Hurricane Rick – PDF
Tropical Storm Agatha – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Two-E – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Blas – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Celia1PDFKMZ
Hurricane Darby – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Six-E – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Estelle – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Eight-E – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Frank – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Ten-E – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Eleven-E – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Georgette2PDFKMZ
Hurricane Adrian – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Beatriz – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Calvin – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Dora – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Eugene – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Fernanda – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Greg – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Eight-E – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Hilary – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Jova – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Irwin – PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Twelve-E – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Kenneth – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Aletta – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Bud – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Carlotta – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Daniel – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Emilia – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Fabio – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Gilma – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Hector – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Ileana – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm John – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Kristy – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Lane – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Miriam – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Norman – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Olivia – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Paul – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Rosa – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Alvin – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Barbara – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Cosme – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Dalila – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Erick – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Flossie – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Gil – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Henriette – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Ivo – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Juliette – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Kiko1PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Lorena – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Manuel – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Narda – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Octave – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Priscilla – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Raymond – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Sonia – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Amanda – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Boris1PDFKMZ
Hurricane Cristina – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Douglas – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Elida – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Fausto – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Genevieve2PDFKMZ
Hurricane Hernan – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Iselle3PDFKMZ
Hurricane Julio4PDFKMZ
Hurricane Karina – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Lowell – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Marie – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Norbert – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Odile5PDFKMZ
Tropical Depression Sixteen-E – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Polo – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Rachel – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Simon – PDFKMZ
Tropical Storm Trudy – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Vance – PDFKMZ
Hurricane Andres – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Blanca – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Carlos – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Dolores – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Enrique – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Felicia – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Depression Eight-E – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Guillermo1PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Hilda2PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Depression Eleven-E – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Ignacio – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Jimena3PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Kevin – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Linda – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Depression Sixteen-E – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Marty – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Nora – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Olaf – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Patricia – PDFKMZSHP
Tropical Storm Rick – PDFKMZSHP
Hurricane Sandra – PDFKMZSHP

2015 Sets a New Record for Category 4 and 5 Hurricanes and Typhoons

A record 22 hurricanes or typhoons have reached Category 4 or 5 strength in the Northern Hemisphere this year.

The record was broken on Oct. 17 when Koppu became the nineteenth storm to reach this intensity prior to slamming into the Philippines as a super typhoon. Since then, Super Typhoon Champi, Hurricane Olaf and Hurricane Patricia added to the total. …

21 hurricanes and typhoons that shattered records in 2015


UPDATED 2:45 p.m. ET: Since this story was posted, yet another storm — Hurricane Patricia — in the eastern Pacific intensified to Category 4 status, making it 22 Category 4 and 5 storms that have formed so far this year.

The combination of El Niño, other natural climate cycles and global warming have supercharged this year's tropical cyclone season in the northern hemisphere to the point where all-time records have been blown away.

Specifically, there have now been 21 typhoons and hurricanes in the hemisphere — all but one of which occurred in the Pacific Ocean — that have reached the most intense levels of the Saffir Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, Category 4 and 5. This beat the past record of 18, set in 2004.

One of the strongest El Niño events ever recorded has provided storms with an ample amount of fuel in the form of warm ocean waters across the tropical Pacific, and has also helped squelch tropical activity in the North Atlantic Basin.

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