

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

#8 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial, Notes and References (with links)

This is the eighth and final installment of Dunlap, Jacques' (2013) study of the history of our dysfunctional public climate science education dialogue.  They focus on the influence of "conservative think tanks (CTTs) on the output of "skeptical" climate science book publications.  

This installment is a copy of their Notes and Reference sections. I have added links to the references. 

With these sources you can learn about how out and out lying became the mainstay of the Republican climate science contrarian PR strategy. 

Given that the study has a CCA License I decided to Repost their interesting effort over here.  It makes worthy addition to my collection.  I thank Riley Dunlap and Peter Jacques for the opportunity to Repost their impressive work.

#8 Notes and References

The American Behavioral Scientist

Climate Change Denial Books and 
Conservative Think Tanks
Exploring the Connection 

Copyright © 2013 SAGE PublicationsThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Am Behav Sci. 2013 Jun; 57(6): 699–731.

#8 Notes and References

1. ISBNs represent a useful operationalization of what constitutes a book, although a few of the volumes could be considered booklets or pamphlets.

2. We do this because we do not want to overrepresent authors in the various analyses reported below. The two books by William Hunt published in 2009 and 2010 were sufficiently different that we decided to include both of them.

3. Books referred to in text that are listed in the appendix are not listed in the references.

4. McCright and Dunlap (2000) found a surge in a wide range of material criticizing climate science, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Kyoto Protocol posted on the websites of conservative think tanks leading up to the Kyoto Conference.

5. “Self-published” books are those where the author is the principal actor in printing the book. This includes authors paying vanity presses to print their books and those creating their own presses.

6. Singer is well-known for initiating “petitions” of scientists who criticize climate science, including the Heidelberg Appeal and the Leipzig Declaration (Hoggan, 2009, p. 92; Powell, 2011, pp. 55-56).

7. Limiting our analysis to books published in English leads us to ignore a small number of denial books in other languages.

8. These include three JDs (Jonathan Alder, Mark Bloomfield, and Christopher Horner), two MDs (Stanley Feldman and Vincent Marks), one ThD (William Curtis), and one DVM (Zachary Robinson)—all professional doctorates that are equated with PhDs.

9. We acknowledge that individuals without doctorates can develop considerable expertise with relevant work experience, and some would see, for example, Brian Sussman and Anthony Watts as having relevant expertise based on their experience as meteorologists and weather forecasters. However, meteorologists specialize in short-term weather and not long-term climate and lack training in climate science and often hold views of AGW at odds with those of mainstream climate scientists (e.g., Maibach, Wilson, & Witte, 2011).

10. The closest is Patrick Michaels’s Shattered Consensus, which was copublished by the Marshall Institute and Rowman & Littlefield, the latter a respected academic press.

11. A good example is the highly debunked—but successful in terms of sales, publicity, and policy impact—book by Australian geologist and mining executive Ian Plimer, Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science (see the critiques cited in McKewon, 2012, and Washington & Cook, 2011). For a good and continually updated overview of denial claims that have been debunked by mainstream scientists, see

12. See Weart (2008, 2011) on the operation of these processes in the evolution of climate science.

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