

Friday, September 2, 2016

Exploring Conservative Think Tanks - index to Dunlap, Jacques (2013) project

I have a bit of over-attention syndrome, for example in researching some NC20 Burton related leads, I came across Dunlap and Jacques 2013.  A study where they investigate the connection between climate science denying books and Conservative Think Tanks.  I’ve skimmed it before, but this time it seemed more relevant and I noticed it had a CC license, allowing reprinting with attribution, Considering sometimes I get sick of dealing with professional liars and need some diversion into serious science, this seemed like a refreshing project.

So I wound up with an eight part series to add to my collection of substantive information sources that help describe the workings of the economically motived faith-based attack on science America has been subjected to for far too long.

This is the index to the series.  
Sections 3, 4, 5, 6 include links to a great deal of supporting information.  For chapter 8, I looked up and included links to their extensive reference sources.  Thank you Professors Riley Dunlap and Peter Jacques for all your efforts.

Happy learning. 

The American Behavioral Scientist

Climate Change Denial Books and 
Conservative Think Tanks
Exploring the Connection 

Copyright © 2013 SAGE PublicationsThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Am Behav Sci. 2013 Jun; 57(6): 699–731.

August 18, 2016
#1 Dunlap, Jacques - history of the climate science denial machine

August 19, 2016
#2 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial - introduction to study

August 21, 2016
#3 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial - Trends over time

Monday, August 22, 2016
#4 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial -  Ties to Conservative Think Tanks (CTTs)

August 29, 2016
#5 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial -  National Origins of Books

August 30, 2016
#6 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial - Credentials of Authors and Editors

August 30, 2016
#7 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial - Freedom from Peer Review and its Implications

August 30, 2016
#8 Dunlap, Jacques - History of Climate Science Denial - Notes and References (with links)

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