

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I received the following and thought it worth passing along.  If what's happening concerns you, you must get involved.  Here's one easy way of making your feelings known.  {Something else important, please consider that although writing letters and phone calls to US Representatives and Senators seems so quaint, it really is a force that puts the backbone into politicians whom you support and hands a reality check to those whom you object to.  Now more than ever, folks that want to save hard won protections and services must get involved like never before.  Otherwise you will loss what you've always assumed would always be there.  Just look at who's being put into positions of true and awesome power - this is not a drill, this is the real thing and you are in their sights.  This election should make clear no one has your back, time for you to get involved.}

Learn some lessons from the Alt-Right.  But, keep it honest, don't give into serial fabrication of lies in order to hide from inconvenient but very real truths, the way Bannon and his crowd do.  We must demand honesty and integrity and truth.  Dialogue with constructive learning and positive change is the goal.  But, I digress, this is about the simple act of BOYCOTTING TRUMP and withholding your money from the businesses of the man poised to vandalize our government and country like nothing we've never experienced.

You can download the app for free HERE or by searching "Boycott Trump" in the App Store.

It's your move disillusioned Democrats, each and everyone of us.

Engage or give up and get clobbered. 

Democracy live it or lose it, 
true now more than ever.

citizenschallenge -- 

We just took our next major step in the fight against Trump by hitting him and his allies where it hurts most - their wallets.

... we have released the first ever Boycott Trump app as part of our continuing effort to take a stand against Trump. The free app provides users with a searchable database of over 250 companies and includes many big name brands that you probably didn't realize we're connected to Trump.

The app is part of a larger Boycott Trump effort we're launching and we need your help to build it into a national movement. Please help us get as many people using this app as possible by donating here.  

Thanks for your support,

Nate Lerner
Executive Director
Democratic Coalition Against Trump

Download the app for free HERE

"It doesn’t matter who you are—a journalist, a politician or a voter—we’ll all be judged by how we responded to Donald Trump"
- Jorge Ramos
Trump being Trump

Published on Aug 17, 2016

Here are some facts that Trump is a pathological lying, walking contradiction. 
Politifact says that over 77 percent of the things that come out of his mouth have been lies.

But instead of reading a list, the Democratic Coalition Against Trump has made a video documenting, chronicling and highlighting dozens of Trump’s biggest lies and contradictions.

Published on Nov 24, 2015

Col. Tom Moe, US Air Force Vietnam POW discusses Donald Trump's rhetoric and what it bodes for America unless all Americans get involve in political dialogue, not only with our politician, but also with each other.

Published on Nov 17, 2016
Rep. Ruben Gallego warns his House colleagues of the dangers of working with President-elect 
Donald Trump on an infrastructure investment plan.

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