

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9, 2016


  1. Hey CC, how's it goin'?

    Tough news on the election. We can only hope that Trump won't hold himself to his election promises. There's a very good chance that every promise he made was just to get elected, in which case there is almost no way to guess what he'll do.

    The only known threat is if he hands everything over to his running mate, Mike Pence. He's definitely a global warming denier:

    --Gord-- (from the Skeptics Society Forum)

  2. Gord,
    Good to hear from you. Been a long time.
    Unfortunately, looking like Pence is exactly who's being put in charge.
    After all it's not like Trump has a clue about governing, you can even see it in his eyes these days.
    Gonna be a rocky down hill ride.
