

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Profiles in Fraud - Nell Hughes: Facts not facts no mo.

I'll let a serious comedian explain this one.
Donald Trump's False Claims and Foreign Policy Moves: 
A Closer Look

Late Night with Seth Meyers | Published on Dec 5, 2016
Seth takes a closer look at Presidential-elect Trump's willingness to make false claims 
and his shoot-from-the-hip foreign policy approach.


5:35 - yup, no such thing as facts, 
they make it all up as they go along, 
bluffing and hoping for the best. 

Why are we handing our government over to such infantile delusionals?
~~~   Scary times America   ~~~

Democracy demands an informed 
and engaged citizenry.  
Wake up America.  This is not a drill !
This is for keeps.

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