

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

#B-Unauthorized annotation of Chairman Lamar Smith’s March 29 Climate Science statement. (2 of 2)

US House Science, Space and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith had a hearing March 29 during which he made many claims and insinuations which are frankly false.  
In this exercise I keep my commentary to a minimum and allow scientists to speak for themselves by way of a number of embedded YouTube videos.  If the videos don’t work for you, I’ve included the URL’s so you can link to them.  I also included links to other resources where appropriate.  This collection is for sharing.  For more of an introduction you might try: Confirmed Lamar Smith Manipulated Bates (feb 5th) A Line by Line Review.  Official Hearing Record:

For Immediate Release Media Contact: March 29, 2017
Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas)
Climate Science: Assumptions, Policy Implications, and the Scientific Method
Part 2 
{Link to Part 1}

Chairman Lamar Smith continues:  For example, the Science Committee heard from whistleblowers that National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) employees put their “thumb on the scale” during the analysis of data.


Recent Ocean Warming has been Underestimated


Bruce Wielicki - Climate Change: Fact And Fiction 

Dr. Bruce Wielicki senior scientist for Earth 
science at NASA's Langley Research Center - cloud expert
There's more to this claim of "thumbs on the scale," for the rest of that story link to and check the list of information rich stories:

Confirmed Lamar Smith Manipulated Bates - 
A Line by Line Review of Smith’s February 5th statement.

(The first three and last one, are not referenced during the examination - I share them for background.)

By Christina Reed  -  May 21, 2015
Scott K. Johnson  -  2/6/2017
By Warren Cornwall  -  Feb. 8, 2017
Posted by Eric Davidson  -  February 4, 2017
Stephan Lewandowsky | May 7, 2015
By Alex Kasprak  -  February 8, 2017
PeterThorne  |. February 5, 2017
Gavin Schmidt  -  February 9th, 2017
Scott Waldman - February 7, 2017
SOU  | February 13, 2017
To: Rep. Lamar Smith  -  October 23, 2015

This was done to arrive at politically correct results that would disprove the absence of global temperature increases from 1998 to 2012. {fact is a global warming hiatus was an illusion - it’s easily explained, you simply need to be honest enough to listen.}

Ask a Climate Scientist: Global Warming Pause?
Worth repeating
What drives scientists? - Richard Alley
More recently, NOAA admitted to Committee staff that there was no legal justification for not complying with the Committee’s lawfully-issued subpoena requesting information. {No they didn’t}

Lamar Smith: Still Fishing With Dynamite

… To be clear: He’s asking for essentially every single email ever sent by any climate research scientist at NOAA.

Does that sound like someone who is trying to find the truth, or more like someone who is desperately looking for anything to shore up his nonsense?
Andrew A. Rosenberg, director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, wrote a letter to Smith asking him to drop this ridiculous investigation. Rosenberg calls this latest tactic a fishing expedition and a “sledgehammer of a congressional subpoena,” saying that this abuse of subpoena power can damage scientists’ ability to do their work.

But it doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to presume that this has been Smith’s intent all along. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus—and I’m sure the hundreds of thousands of dollars he’s received from fossil fuel interests has nothing to do with this—he seems very much dedicated to stopping any and all research into global warming. 
Scientists Stand By NOAA Administrator Who Refuses To Hand Over Emails To Congress
Climate scientists unite against Lamar Smith's "bullying tactics"
By Mary Beth Griggs December 11, 2015
To the Honorable Kathryn D. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1401 Constitution Ave NW, Room 5128
Washington, D.C. 20230
December 7, 2015

Dear Dr. Sullivan:

As scientists and technical experts, we thank you for standing up for scientific integrity and independent research by refusing to disclose National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists' internal deliberations to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith.

We know Chairman Smith's subpoena for the correspondence of NOAA scientists involved with a peer-reviewed paper in Science is not about data access or seeking to learn more about the study. We are aware that NOAA scientists already met several times with committee staff to provide all data and methodology related to this work and answer numerous questions about the research.

As you know, these actions can create a chilling effect on both federal scientists and any other scientist with whom they collaborate or correspond. We urge you to continue to stand firm against these bullying tactics in order to protect NOAA scientists' ability to pursue research and publish data and results regardless of how contentious the issue may be.
Please continue to resist this dangerous abuse of congressional oversight power.

The undersigned (587 signatories)

The one witness was down right spooky…

Lamar Smith invites legal scholars to tell him what he’s doing is fine
Witnesses invited by Smith agree with him on legality of anti-science-crusade subpoenas.
Scott K. Johnson - 9/16/2016
In fact, we learned that it was simply a political decision to halt any further debate on the subject. This is professional misconduct, if not worse.
Speaking of professional misconduct, a US Representative ignoring overwhelming evidence because he doesn’t like it, now that’s truly contemptible.

“One way to think about it is that global warming continued, but the oceans just juggled a bit of heat around and made the surface seem cooler for a while” 
How a culture clash at NOAA led to a flap over a high-profile warming pause study
By Warren Cornwall  -  Feb. 8, 2017
A Lesson in Constitutional Illiteracy: Lamar Smith and the Climate Science Witch Hunt
Posted on July 21, 2016 by admin
GOP Climate Denier Recasts Big Oil's Corporate Crime as Scientific 'Disagreement'
by Deirdre Fulton  |  March 17, 2016 | by Common Dreams
State Attorneys General Subpoenaed by Rep. Lamar Smith for Exxon Fraud Probe
Lamar Smith, climate scientist witch hunter
The Republican science committee chair harasses scientists who debunked a favorite denier argument
John Abraham, November 11, 2015 
Breitbart’s Climate Science Misinformation Embraced By GOP-Led House Science Committee
'Whistleblower' says protocol was breached but no data fraud
Scott Waldman - February 7, 2017
A similar event unfolded in 2009. Emails from East Anglia University scientists were uncovered and revealed that they frequently violated principles of scientific integrity and attempted to halt debate about climate science.

6. Climate Change -- Those hacked e-mails
potholer54  (alert humor mixed in with the education)
Much of climate science today appears to be based more on exaggerations, personal agendas, and questionable predictions than on the scientific method. Those who engage in such actions do a disservice to the American people and to their own profession.

The Lamar Smith’s have wrapped themselves in a fantasy world that refuses to recognize the physical Earth we are all dependent on.  For instance, what do you expect when you start seriously melting our planet’s cryosphere?

NOAA: ‘Nuisance flooding’ an increasing problem as coastal sea levels rise
Study looks at more than 60 years of coastal water level and local elevation data changes
July 28, 2014 (Updated information added 10/31/2014)
Sea level rise and the human  fingerprint on U.S.  floods since 1950
February 2016
And then there’s the impact the increasingly exposed Arctic Ocean is having on global weather patterns, big trouble coming from that direction, ignore at our own peril.  Here's another one worth repeating.
Jennifer Francis: A New Arctic Feedback
Only when scientists follow the scientific method can policy-makers be confident that they are making the right decisions. Until then, the debate should continue.

But only if it's a fair, constructive honest debate, rather than a lawyerly hardball win at all costs "debate"!

Considering the two species of debate - June 18, 2015
{It's a bit clunky, but it does define the two types of debates out there.}

Only by honestly assessing the science is there any hope of finding and implementing solutions.  Tragically the neo-GOP has wrapped themselves in a cloak of offensive self-certain lies.  Consider any of their claims against serious climate science, bet you can find it in the following SkS list.  Read up on the issue and learn about the rest of the story that contrarians like Lamar Smith and pretty near the entire GOP desperately want us all to ignore.  

Followed by links to the ExxonMobil and Climate Change story: Denial, Delay, and Delusion

SkepticalScience, climate myths sorted by taxonomy


ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (1993-2000)
Posted on March 8, 2016 by admin

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (2001-2008)
Posted on May 25, 2016 by admin

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (2009-2015)   – Part Three (A)
Posted on September 8, 2016 by admin

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (2009-2016) – Part Three (B): 2010
Posted on December 1, 2016 by admin

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (2009-2016) – Part Three (C): 2011
Posted on April 3, 2017 by admin

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