

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jeff Gee, Joanna Haigh - Earth's Magnetic Force Field - What a scientist sounds like

This posting is dedicated to conveying a fact based appreciation for our planet’s protective magnetic “force field” with lectures from: 
Geoscientist Jeff Gee - Exploring Extremes of Earth's Magnetic Field
Professor Joanna Haigh - The Sun and Climate

… along with some awesome data driven visualizations, narrative is a bit on the melodramatic side, but hey, that's what folks want:
Earth's Magnetism in HD - Discovery Channel
Magnetism - Defending Our Planet, Defining The Cosmos - NASA Multimedia Science
Origins of the Earth’s magnetic field - CEOAS - Oregon State

Magnetism - Defending Our Planet, Defining The Cosmos
NASA Multimedia ScienceApril 3, 2017

MAGNETISM is a full dome planetarium show that demonstrates how the Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from energetic particles from the Sun and galaxy, and how the magnetic field also protects the water in our atmosphere from being swept away by the solar wind.  

Geoscientist Jeff Gee
Exploring Extremes of Earth's Magnetic Field
Perspectives on Ocean Science, Birch Aquarium at Scripps
The Earth's magnetic field varies on many time scales, waxing and waning in strength, and periodically completely reversing direction. The geologic record of these variations provides important information on the history of our planet. 

Join Scripps Oceanography geoscientist Jeff Gee for a fascinating glimpse into his fieldwork in paleomagnetism -- from autonomous aircraft measurements over the open ocean to exploration of rock exposures in remote regions of Antarctica.  {Perspectives on Ocean Science [8/2010] [Science] [Show ID: 19203]}

Here’s another example of what a scientist sounds like.  This one is for those who want to dig into more details, so I'll leave you to follow the link.

Professor Joanna Haigh - The sun and the climate
Published on May 13, 2013

Professor Joanna Haigh, Head of the Department of Physics, discusses the effect of the variations of solar forces on the earth's climate.

For more information please visit

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