

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Paul Hoffman - Snowball Earth explained - What a scientist sounds like.

The second and third paragraphs in my second Pageant of Evolution column seem too discombobulated in hindsight.  It’s a great example of writing before having one's proverbial ducks in a row.  But hey, I was distracted and rushed and we learn from our mistakes.

In any event, that’s why I chose Paul F. Hoffman to feature in this “What a scientist sounds like” - Tectonic and Sedimentary Field Geologist in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, currently he is their Sturgis Hooper Professor Emeritus

His honors go back to 1977 and his published work on Snowball Earth goes back to 1998.  He is considered a foremost expert in Snowball Earth research and he gave a wonderful series of lectures for Earth Dynamics Research Group at Curtin University of Technology in 2016.  

Unless you’re a serious student or scientist much of this will be over your head, however much won’t be!  The outlines are easy to follow, and the complexities are fascinating to hear about, even if the nuances are beyond our comprehension.  At least one becomes aware of unimagined complexities, along with unimagined levels of scientific understanding.

I’m starting by embedding a shorter simpler overview that he gave at Mount Royal University, as the 2018 keynote speaker for the Faculty of Science and Technology Research Days.  Then I share links and poster highlights of his more extensive Earth Dynamics Research Group lectures, enjoy.

Also, check out this treasure trove:


(click on image for clearer view)

Paul Hoffman
Curtin University of Technology


Paul Hoffman
Curtin University of Technology


Paul Hoffman
Curtin University of Technology

Cap Carbonates - Limestones

Paul Hoffman
Snowball Earth Lectures 4&5 - Snowball geobiology & The origin of Laurentia

Paul Hoffman
Snowball Earth Lecture 6 - The Great Oxidation Event and a Siderian snowball earth


1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I really enjoy reading it. Very instructive, keep on writing.Thanks for sharing.
