

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Introduction to Cc's Pageant of Evolution part two.

They say a true test of how well you've learned about something is how well you can explain it to others and in its essence this months long Pageant of Earth’s Evolution project has been that sort of a self-evaluation for me.  Both to see how well I understand it and to see if I could convey the story in a way that might resonate with regular people.  

Why is that important to me?  Because I believe clearly appreciating Earth and her story is one of human society’s greatest failures - and greatest challenge for enabling any sort of future functional human society, since our avarice has pretty well condemned this globally connected modern society we depend on.  

I keep struggling with; How could intelligent people allow such self-destructive disregard to the need of our life support system, the one that sustains our society?  I mean seriously, never accepting that our long term economy depends on a healthy biosphere (no matter how much we’ve learned about it)?  WTF!  

Proudly proclaiming that endless growth was/is our economic priority and that Greed is Good along with convincing ourselves that Too Much Is Never Enough.  From my perspective it’s always been nothing less than sociopathic self-interest and faith-induced-blindness.  Along with being absolutely self-destructive.  As those who dare to open their eyes and minds can see when surveying the growing carnage covering our planet.  But I digress.

The beginning of this Pageant of Evolution project was rough because I discovered I was shockingly behind on recent developments and what I was up to date on had painful blindspots.  

But that’s what serious learning is about.  It is not easy or comfortable.  If you’re comfortable you’re not learning.  Sure we all have Ego’s, but it's secondary, honest learning comes first.  

The genuine enthusiast or student knows that it’s their duty to seek out and expose their own gaps in understanding.  Why?  Because our ‘mistakes’ provide our best learning opportunities.  They act as sign-posts, pointing us at what we need to study up on.  

Contrary to that approach - in today’s politics and media and churches, mistakes are never admitted.  Diversions, defensiveness, blaming the other, self-righteous indignation, bluster upon bluster.  But, to admit to it; face it; accept the consequences of one's own actions; learn and improve, never.  It's always with the, “Not my fault!”  

What happened to being stand-up enough to admit to one’s own mistakes and then dealing with the consequences, then coming out of it a better person?  

Think about it, . . . Isn’t that actually what Jesus's Passion is all about?  
Why do the Faith-Shackled reject that constructive perspective? 

For me the enthusiast (and most Earth scientists) life isn’t about getting rich and burying myself in bling'n stuff.  The goal is all about a more complete and accurate understanding and appreciation of ourselves and the physical reality surrounding us.  My goal is living in the moment aware of myself, and the people around me and the world that sustains me. 

That’s the adventure I’m on.  Like any adventure, sometimes the light's all shining on me, other times I can barely see.  :-)    Now with the sturm und drang of this project behind me I’m feeling good, satisfied with what I've learned and written.  For now.  

My key to writing?  Keep rereading, fixing what isn’t right, reread, reread, reread, every time there’s something to fix, if not totally tear down and renovate, but eventually less so, and then one day after a couple read throughs without any snags spotted, it dawns on me, I’m finished.  After that most additional edits detract or are redundant, so don’t help.  I imagine I never get the punctation as proper as it should be, but then I’m not a pro, so it is what it is.  Though I do keep trying to improve, too bad serious critique and feedback is so rare.  {citizenschallenge email com}

I lit up my essay with over 160 links to related articles or videos and have included an index that lists titles and authors.  They range from published scientific papers, to videos.  (edited 12/24/2019)


December 6, 2019

List of titles to all the embedded links in part two of my Pageant of Evolution:

¶ 1 … 
the first half = Pageant of Earth's Evolution (in 24hr) part one
pageant of Evolution = video_The Emergence of Life on Earth, Robert Hazen, March 15, 2012
first = Paper_Nick Lane: Unearthing the First Cellular Innovations
enduring Life = video, How Energy Flow Shapes The Evolution of Life, Nick Lane, Feb 14, 2018
about 4 hours = video_The Origin of Cellular Life on Earth, Jack Szostak, 2012
claw together = How life evolved: 10 steps to the first cells
existence = Earliest evidence of life on Earth ‘found’ ……By Pallab Ghosh, BBC News,1 March 2017
simple = Archaea, Wiki article
protective sacks = The first cell membranes, Deamer, et al, 2002
harsh environment. = Paper_Early Earth Had a Hazy, Methane-filled Atmosphere

¶ 2 …
Evolution progressed = video_Inevitable Life?, Eric Smith, Professor, Santa Fe Institute, April 18, 2007
very slowly - Why Did Earth Have a Poison-Filled "Boring Billion" Years?, Rebecca Kessler, Feb 25, 2011
hostile environment = video_How Oxygen Can Alter Evolution and Adaptation of Life in the Ocean, Erik Sperling
limited means, = Iron toxicity for cyanobacteria delayed oxygen accumulation in early Earth's atmosphere, Swanner et al. 2015
stifled further development. = Earth's 'boring billion' years of stagnant, stinking oceans might actually have been rather dynamic,  by Simon Poulton
key early scientific breakthrough = Philosophy of Cell Biology, 2019
perspective, = Story of Dr. Peter Mitchell, biochemistry, chemiosmotic theory, bioenergetics.
environment = Chapter 5: THE LIVING ENVIRONMENT,, American Association for the Advancement of Science

¶ 3 …
geology and biology = The co-evolution of Life and Earth, Dietrich et al. 2017
combining forces =Geology Intersects Biology, Laura Levis
process and tame = paper_The timetable of evolution, May 17, 2017
to the point that = Integrated records of environmental change and evolution challenge the Cambrian Explosion
descendants =  =  Archaea: Morphology,
had the means = video_How Energy Flow Shapes The Evolution of Life - Professor Nick Lane
Developing environments = Poster_Earth Evolution, intersection of Geology and Biology,, May 19, 2017
changing conditions = Life: Evolution and Extinction, WGBH
ocean = Oceans Through Time,
atmosphere = The earth's original atmosphere,
spectacular innovations and expansion = Animal Dawn - Dr. Diego Garcia-Bellido, 2016

¶ 4 …
geology taught biology = Geobiology - Life Emergent, Helen Hill, 2014
building blocks = The evolution of geobiology in the context of living stromatolites, Spear, Corsetti, 2013
 forcing it to adapt = Tempo And Mode In Evolution: Genetics And Paleontology 50 Years After Simpson.
changing conditions = Evolution Of The Atmosphere: Composition, Structure And Energy,
 repurposed  = How skates and rays got their wings, University of Chicago Medical Center, 2015
genetic heritage = The Concept of Co-option: Why Evolution Often Looks Miraculous,  McLennan, 2008
body parts = paper_Developmental-Genetic Toolkit for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Schneider, Amemiya, Dec 2016
modifications made = The Continuing Evolution of Genes, Zimmer, 2014
learned to thrive = What is biodiversity?, Lenne, 2019
brave new environments = Reciprocality between biology and geology: Reconstructing polar Gondwana, Michaux, 2009

increasing interaction = 'Evo-devo' biology tackles evolutionary history's unanswered questions, Indiana University, 2014
stuff of competition = paper_Rethinking Early Evolution: Earth's Earliest Animal Ecosystem Was Complex And Included Sexual Reproduction, University of California - Riverside, 2008
working together = The Evolution of Evo-Devo Biology, Goodman, Coughlin, 2000
ecology = video_The Ediacaran Period: Glimpses of the Earth's Earliest Animals, Calla Carbone, 2016
outlines of today’s world = video_The origins of Ecdysozoan body plans, Martin Smith, 2017

variations on those themes = Fossils of the Cambrian Period,
plate tectonics = video_Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau, Wayne Ranney, 2015
climate = Earth's Earliest Climate, Angela M. Hessler, 2011 
celestial = Bombardment of the early Solar System, Nature Geoscience, July 2013  
influences = Milankovitch Cycles,

Paleozoic Era = video_The Hidden Secrets of the Ordovician Age, Richard Smith, Oct 21, 2014
Ordovician Period = Ordovician Period,
Jostling = video_1.5 billion years of Plate Tectonics, C.R. Scotese, Oct 1, 2017
first plants = video_How plants crawled out of the sea, Oct 5, 2015
on land = The first conquerors of land, Vasika Udurawane,
converged around the South Pole = 50 years ago, an Antarctic fossil pointed to Gondwanaland’s existence, Maria Temming, 2019
killer ice age = paper_The Magnitude and Duration of Late Ordovician–Early Silurian Glaciation, February 11, 2011

Silurian Period = The Silurian - 443 to 417 Million Years Ago,
diversifying species = paper_Diversity Dynamics of Silurian–Early Carboniferous Land Plants in South China, September 20, 2013

Devonian Period = Devonian Period, Ohio History Central
18 minutes = The First Forests,
continents aligning = paper_On the sensitivity of the Devonian climate to continental configuration, vegetation cover and insolation, Brugger et al., 2018
seeds = Seed Evolution Webpage,

Pangea = Coal formation linked to assembly of supercontinent Pangea, Nelsen et al., 2016
tectonics = 1.5 billion years of Plate Tectonics, C.R. Scotese, Oct 1, 2017
poisoned the ocean = What caused Earth's biggest mass extinction?, Hannah Hickey, Dec 6, 2018
refugees = Why Did Life Move to Land? For the View, Jennifer Ouellette, March 7, 2017
explore  = Evolution and Function of Freshwater Ecosystems, Pokorný P.
systems = Book_Freshwater Fishes: 250 Million Years of Evolutionary History
land habitats = Evolution: Out Of The Sea, Christie Wilcox, July 28, 2012

Carboniferous Period = Plants Cover The Earth,
a big deal = paper_Formation of most of our coal brought Earth close to global glaciation, Georg Feulner, 2017
35% oxygen = The Age of Oxygen (400 MYA to 290 MYA), Smithsonian Institution
land soaked it in = Coal formation linked to assembly of supercontinent Pangea, Ker Than, Jan 20, 2016 
insects = Video_ The Age of Giant Insects, PBS Eons, Sep 18, 2017
giants = Why Giant Bugs Once Roamed the Earth, By Ker Than, August 9, 2011
plants = Early Plant Life,
forests = The First Forests, Sedeer el-Showk, July 08, 2013
egg = Eggs and Their Evolution,

biota = A hidden cradle of plant evolution in Permian tropical lowlands, Blomenkemper, 2018
for 15 minutes = Permian to Triassic, British Geologic Survey, 

like none other = End-Permian extinction, which wiped out most of Earth's species, was instantaneous in geological time, by Jennifer Chu, Sept. 19, 2018
melted into sills = paper_Initial pulse of Siberian Traps sills as the trigger of the end-Permian mass extinction, Burgess et al., 2017

Siberian Traps = Earth’s worst extinction “inescapably” tied to Siberian Traps, CO2, and climate change, Howard Lee, October 14, 2015
So ended = Siberian Traps likely culprit for end-Permian extinction, Jennifer Chu, Sept 16, 2015

Mesozoic = The Mesozoic Era,
middle life = The Mesozoic Era IV: Flowers and Mammals, University of Maryland, Tholtz, 2011 
begins = The Triassic Period: the rise of the dinosaurs, Josh Davis, August 27, 2019
Triassic Period = Reptiles Inherit The Earth,
didn’t miss a beat = Life in the Aftermath of Mass Extinctions, Pincelli Hull, Oct. 5, 2015
noteworthy = Closing Romer's Gap: The story so far, National Museums Scotland 
adaptations = The origin of tetrapods,
tetrapods = The Basic Groups of Tetrapods Evolved - Lecture 9,,
four feet = Tetrapod Triumph! Solving Mystery Of First Land Vertebrates, By Gemma Tarlach, Dec 5, 2016
who = Paleobiology of the Mesozoic Era,
differentiated = Wings, Legs, and Fins: How Do New Organs Arise in Evolution?, Neil Shubin, 2009
amphibians = The evolution of Amphibians: The Conquest of Land, David López Bosch, July 2015
reptiles = The genesis of reptiles and the amniotic egg, 
dinosaurs = How Did Dinosaurs Evolve?, Bob Strauss, April 18, 2018
mammal-like reptiles = The Stem-Mammals--a Brief Primer, Darren Naish, Sept 20, 2016
bird = Earliest Beginnings Of Bird Evolution Brought Into Focus With New DNA Analysis, Oct 5, 2015
lineages = Origin and Evolution of Birds,
Plants = The evolution of plants part 4: A tale of flowers and seeds, Vasika Udurawane
new heights = video_How did plants become forests during the Carboniferous?, Benjamin Burger, Nov 7, 2015
scaled down = Reign of the giant insects ended with the evolution of birds, Tim Stephens, June 04, 2012
did = paper_A bottom-up perspective on ecosystem change in Mesozoic oceans, Knoll, Follows, 2016
ocean Life = Greenhouse World and The Mesozoic Oceans, Takashima et al., 2006

Pangea = Breakup of supercontinent Pangea cooled mantle and thinned crust, University of Texas at Austin, Dec 2016
now breaking up  = paper_Quantifying the effects of the break up of Pangaea on global terrestrial diversification with neutral theory, Jordan 2016
decimating = Life between extinctions: cracking open the Cretaceous period, Katie Kline, Mar 25, 2010
Triassic Period = 3.4.3. Triassic-Jurassic Boundary,
biota = Triassic Period,, April 7, 2014
reptiles = Ancestral Reptiles of the Carboniferous and Permian Periods,
Survivors included dinosaurs = Decade of fossil collecting gives new perspective on Triassic period, emergence of dinosaurs, University of Washington, March 28, 2018
Jurassic Period = Jurassic Period,
critters = The Evolution of the First Mammals, Bob Strauss, June 24, 2019
Cretaceous Period= What can the Cretaceous tell us about our climate?, Philip Pika, August 20, 2018
Mammal-like = Synapsid, Wikipedia
diversifying = Two studies, two answers: When exactly did mammals emerge?, Brad Balukjian, Aug 7, 2013
Flowers = Evolving Ideas on the Origin and Evolution of Flowers: New Perspectives in the Genomic Era, Andre S. Chanderbali, et al., 2016
fruit = 26.1C: Evolution of Angiosperms, LibreTexts, Nov, 19,2019
reptiles = The First Reptiles,
amphibians = Cretaceous Amphibians, Western Australian Museum, 2014

a well aimed = Fossil Site Reveals Day That Meteor Hit Earth and, Maybe, Wiped Out Dinosaurs, Broad and, Chang, March 29, 2019
space rock crashed into = The Impact That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs, Hartmann, Planetary Science Institute
Mesozoic Era = The Mesozoic era,

eventually recovered = How long did it take for life to rebound after the death of the dinosaurs?, Sarah Kaplan, Nov. 7, 2016
survivors = Placental Mammals Originated On Earth 65 Million Years Ago, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, June 21, 2007
Cenozoic = Cenozoic Era, University of Kansas
new life = The Cenozoic,

genetic toolkit = paper_Developmental-Genetic Toolkit for Evolutionary Developmental Biology,  Schneider, Amemiya, Dec 2016
adaptations and diversification = Misconceptions about evolution,
modern = Rising fast: the first trees,
forests = Tracing the evolution of forest trees, Marlene Cimons, Nov 2014
grasslands = How did grasses alter Earth’s ecosystem?, Caroline Strőmberg, June 8, 2015
mammals = Flowering plants, new teeth and no dinosaurs: New study sheds light on the rise of mammals, University of Washington, May 1, 2019
how to exploit = The idiosyncratic mammalian diversification after extinction of the dinosaurs, Peter Moon, Dec 21, 2018

primates = The First Primates,
first hominids = Infographic_Human Evolution: A Timeline of Early Hominids,, Sept 2, 2018
modern humans - Homo sapiens – modern humans, Fran Dorey, 11/12/18
appeared = World History Timelines - Mapping Two Million Years of Humanity, K. Kris Hirst, August 31, 2019
6 seconds = Human History Timeline,

past milliseconds = book_The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events, Based on Werner Stein's Kulturfahrplan, Bernard Grun
learned = The Evolution of Philosophy, Christopher J. Wills, Sept 2012 
reflect = Abbreviated and simplified history of Western Philosophy,
masters of science = Timeline of scientific discoveries, From Wikipedia
manipulating the physical world = How Are We Changing the Physical Environment of Earth’s Surface?,

We know much = The Birth of Modern Science,
but understand next to nothing = The missing key to Stephen Gould’s Nonoverlapping Magisteria,
demonstrated by = “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot”
(*) =
wanton destruction = Powerful new map depicts environmental degradation across Earth, by Michael Miller, Nov 19, 2018

Humanity’s gluttonous = The Evolution of Human Gluttony, Nathan Lents, Sept 20, 2014
self-serving = paper_Human Domination of Earth's Ecosystems, Vitouse et al. 1997,
inflicting reckless damages = Rate of environmental degradation puts life on Earth at risk, say scientists, Oliver Milman, Jan 15, 2015
like never before = Human impact has pushed Earth into the Anthropocene, scientists say, Adam Vaughan, Jan 7, 2016
injecting ever more = How we measure background CO2 levels on Mauna Loa, Earth System Research Laboratory, NOAA
insulating CO2 = CO2 Science - Blue team: "Pruitt, it's certain as certain gets! It's the physics! Don't you know???, ConfrontingScienceContrarians, citizenschallenge
carbonic-acid = The Chemistry of Ocean Acidification,
since the triggers  = The Great Permian Extinction: When all life on Earth almost vanish, Jackson Chambers, 2016

Not much = Peter, why are you an Earth Centrist?
there will be consequences = FOURTH NATIONAL CLIMATE ASSESSMENT,
Mother Earth = Our Changing Biosphere,


Our Giant Experiment With “Greed Is Good” Has Failed
Thom Hartmann, Oct 12, 2016

Reagan’s ‘Greed Is Good’ Folly
By Robert Parry, October 5, 2011 

sociopathic = "Climate Change Is Accelerating, Bringing World
‘Dangerously Close’ to Irreversible Change"
Henry Fountain, Dec. 4, 2019

self-interest = “CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time”
ReportLawrence Mishel and Julia Wolfe, August 14, 2019, NYTimes

faith-induced-blindness = "Is Faith-based Thinking: God or EGO?" 
citizenschallenge, January 21, 2018

absolutely self-destructive = "Global temperatures on track for 3-5 degree rise by 2100" 
Reuters,  November 29, 2018

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