

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Considering my bias. Thanking Mom on International Woman's Day.

Prost! 🍻

The term "Bias" is often tossed around, yet how often do we examine our own biases and where they come from?

I am biased, I'm a thinker, a student of life and the world around me, a lover, a person who believes in family, community, creating, nurturing what I/we have, learning from sober science.  I’m not into domination, stealing what others have, self-importance or wielding power and pain over others - seems to me, and for who I am, that refining and living with a solid character is worth more than all those trappings of power and bling.  

Even if it means not having ‘stuff’ chained around my neck.  

For me, it’s the control of the kayaker that I strive for, as I'm swept down the cascade of time.  The dam builder’s control is a thing of passing domination, filled with fears of loss and fighting to hang onto what starts crumbling as soon as we build it.   Whereas the kayaker lives life, is present to living our fleeting moments, fully experiencing our day to days.  In the end, we all die and disappear back into the all.

Living a thoughtful life, getting to know oneself, not just the hero I want to be, but the bumbling fool who I am more often than I care to admit.  Still, I've learned to appreciate that it all gets lost in the sauce of who we are.  What’s left is a decent flawed man that strives to be a constructive part of world around him.  It’s all good because it’s the underlying character that matters most, not the transient trappings we collect and discard as we pass through our moments on this planet.

It’s what makes it possible for me to live aware of all aspects of life and our lives.  Being open to the beautiful and the people, while in full awareness That Our Greedy Society Failed Our Tests of Character, along with recognizing the monstrously destructive players out there who are ensuring worst outcomes.  

Trying to maintain balance as our future becomes the present populated with ever increasing destruction, loss, and grief.  It’ll be interesting discovering how l hold up as this slow motion global train wreck continues unfolding in our next couple decades, achieving unimaginable levels of ugly.  (It's an odd and profound sadness to be nearly 65 and thankful I'm not any younger.)

I blame my sweet baby sis for bringing on all this bellybutton gazing by waking me with the following text message for her sibs:

It's International Women's Day, 
so let's all drink a toast to our favorite international woman. 
Prost! 🍻

One thing leads to another.  Ildiko was a great mom and I’m certainly my mom’s son, and proud of it, which got me to thinking about my values and worldview.  She and my dad instilled curiosity and opened the world to me, but it’s mom that gave me the sensitivity to appreciate the world and we humans in a way most apparently can’t imagine.  

Thank you Mom for embodying the best humanity has to offer and for sharing it with me.
Thank you to all the wonderful woman of all ages who have come into my life and helped make my world a better place, and me, a better person !!!
Prost! 🍻


International Women's Day 2020: How it began and why it's still important 

March 7, 2020,  The Independent


An equal world is an enabled world.

#IWD2020  #EachforEqual

International Women's Day is powered by the collective efforts of all
Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity is what makes International Women's Day successful. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights." So make International Women's Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.
Join the IWD Community 

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