

Friday, February 12, 2021

Diary, write your Senators: "IMPEACH TRUMP !"

We interrupt our scheduled programming for this important PSA for American citizens:

We The People of the United States have two Senators representing each state.  Every Senator accepts emails, phone calls and letters.  They pay attention only when they get deluged with mail.  

If you believe Donald Trump betrayed his Oath of Office, isn't it your patriotic duty to let your Senators, Democratic and Republican, know how you feel?


©2020 Peter Miesler - wild fire smoke plume

This is an all hands on deck situation like America has never endured before.  You'll find the complete list of Senate contact information at the bottom of this post.  Along the way you'll find links to informative details.

Such as: 77days of Trump fomenting sedition;  The Myth of Voter Fraud;  Creating a Worst Case Pandemic;  Out and Out Criminality;  Senator's Addresses.  Make your voice heard!   Even to those Trumpist Republicans who are hopelessly lost in their totalitarian delusions.  

If we want to be more than an impotent spectator to history, participate, contact your Senators, tell them why you believe Trump must be impeached - send them a clear, succinct message, the American people will not tolerate criminality and totalitarian thinking in their presidents.

Let’s acknowledge our bias.  We believe in American pluralism and democracy.  We accept the Statue of Liberty’s promise of a civil nation of immigrants; and a government, of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Never perfect, but striving to do better.

{My question is, why isn't the Democratic Party (and social media) pounding on their drums and engaging their grassroots into such substantive constructive action?  

Flood Republican Senator's with pleas to wake up from the fraud.  Unless we can learn from our mistakes we are lost.  Democracy depends on an informed and engaged electorate.  If we aren't changing minds, we are losing.}


Background information:

77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election

Hours after the United States voted, the president declared the election a fraud — a lie that unleashed a movement that would shatter democratic norms and upend the peaceful transfer of power.

By Jim Rutenberg, Jo Becker, Eric Lipton, Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Martin, Matthew Rosenberg, Michael S. Schmidt and Najeebah Al-Ghadban

Published Jan. 31, 2021 - Updated Feb. 8, 2021 -

… Mr. Clark warned that the suit Mr. Giuliani had in mind would be dismissed on procedural grounds. And a state audit was barreling toward a conclusion that the Dominion machines had operated without interference or foul play.

Mr. Giuliani called Mr. Clark a liar, according to people with direct knowledge of the exchange. Mr. Clark called Mr. Giuliani something much worse. And with that, the election-law experts were sidelined in favor of the former New York City mayor, the man who once again was telling the president what he wanted to hear.

Thursday the 12th was the day Mr. Trump’s flimsy, long-shot legal effort to reverse his loss turned into something else entirely — an extralegal campaign to subvert the election, rooted in a lie so convincing to some of his most devoted followers that it made the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol almost inevitable.


The Myth of Voter Fraud -

Extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare. Yet repeated, false allegations of fraud can make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in elections.  

… Politicians at all levels of government have repeatedly, and falsely, claimed the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections were marred by large numbers of people voting illegally. However, extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is virtually nonexistent, and many instances of alleged fraud are, in fact, mistakes by voters or administrators. The same is true for mail ballots, which are secure and essential to holding a safe election amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Brennan Center’s seminal report The Truth About Voter Fraud conclusively demonstrated that most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and that most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct. Numerous other studies, including one commissioned by the Trump administration, have reached the same conclusion. …


Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies: A Fraud on Democracy

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies: A Fraud on Democracy - Public Citizen

Statement of Robert Weissman, President, Public Citizen  

The fraud here is President Donald Trump. Trump’s claim that millions voted fraudulently in the last election is a lie. The claim that voter fraud is a significant problem in the United States is a lie. 

Even worse, Trump’s call for a “major investigation” into nonexistent voter fraud is a fraud on democracy. It is the latest escalation of a voter suppression campaign designed to deter people of color and young people from registering and voting. That voter suppression, which denies vast numbers of Americans their democratic voting rights, does merit a full-fledged investigation, restoration of the Voting Rights Act and enforcement of the law. …


Here Are The (Debunked) Voter Fraud Claims Trump And His Supporters Are Spreading

Jemima McEvoy - - November 5, 2020

Since Election Day, President Trump and his supporters have flooded the internet with allegations of widespread voter fraud they insist is being used to “steal” an election currently leaning in Joe Biden’s favor—here are the debunked claims. …


Trump’s Big Lie about voter fraud was based on little lies the GOP has told for years. Call them all out

By Kimberly Atkins Globe Staff,Updated January 25, 2021- Boston Globe

The steal that needs to be stopped is the one that robs Black voters of access to the ballot box and strips them of their faith in the election system. …


The lie that lingers: 3 in 10 Americans falsely believe the election was riddled with fraud

By Philip Bump, Jan. 19, 2021,

There are millions of Americans who will refuse to believe this sentence: There is no credible evidence of any significant fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Different people will take issue with different words. Some will reject the idea that the evidence that’s been presented by President Trump and his allies in conservative media and on Capitol Hill isn’t credible. But it isn’t; amateur affidavits aren’t credible evidence any more than tortured numerical analysis is. Others will debate the word “substantive,” willfully claiming that the existence of any fraud — which exists at a small scale, as it generally does — somehow suggests a level of fraud that calls into question President-elect Joe Biden’s victory margins of more than 10,000 votes in several states.


But wait, there are more reasons Trump the totalitarian 

should be impeached:

Trump was warned in January of Covid-19's devastating impact, memos reveal

Ed Pilkington and Martin Pengelly in New York - April 7, 2020

Donald Trump was warned at the end of January by one of his top White House advisers that coronavirus had the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and derail the US economy, unless tough action were taken immediately, new memos have revealed. …



Misunderstanding the math, Trump embraced a coronavirus death toll we’ll soon surpass

By Philip Bump, April 23, 2020,


The U.S. COVID-19 Outbreak Is Worse Than It’s Ever Been. 

Why Aren’t We Acting Like It?

Jamie Ducharme,  November 19, 2020,

Nothing about the current COVID-19 explosion should come as a surprise. As the virus spread throughout summer and fall, experts repeatedly warned winter would be worse.


A list of Trump associates and their legal entanglements

By Kevin Liptak. -  CNN  -  August 20, 2020

(CNN)The orbit of former advisers and associates of President Donald Trump who have been indicted or found guilty grew Thursday when Steve Bannon, his former senior adviser and chief strategist, was arrested and indicted.

The crimes they have been accused of are different and stem from a constellation of alleged criminal conspiracies.

Here is a list: …


All the people President Trump pardoned on his way out of office

By Washington Post Staff, January 20, 2012

President Trump handed out 144 pardons and sentence commutations in a chaotic flurry announced by the White House less than 12 hours before the end of his presidency, including one signed late Wednesday morning. The latest recipients include entertainers, politicians from both parties and several well-connected Trump allies. …



January 20, 2021 -





To download a PDF of this entire list, click here.

Early in President Trump’s term, McSweeney’s editors began to catalog the head-spinning number of misdeeds coming from his administration. We called this list a collection of Trump’s cruelties, collusions, and crimes, and it felt urgent then to track them, to ensure these horrors — happening almost daily — would not be forgotten. This election year, amid a harrowing global health, civil rights, humanitarian, and economic crisis, we know it’s never been more critical to note these horrors, to remember them, and to do all in our power to reverse them.

- - -

Various writers have compiled this list during the course of the Trump administration. Their work has been guided by invaluable journalistic resources, including WTFJHT, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other sources, to whom we are grateful.


President Trump’s worst offenses

October 19, 2020 - CREW -

Nearly four years into President Trump’s tenure, it seems indisputable that he is the most corrupt president in American history. But with the near constant acts of corruption coming from the Trump administration, it is often hard to keep track or maintain perspective. CREW has not only exposed many of these offenses, but also provided vital legal analysis and research to pursue accountability for the president and his allies. Below is a brief summary of some of the most consequential categories and instances of corruption we have seen from this president and his administration. …

Legal Actions

Reports & Investigations 


All the President’s Crimes

Ongoing coverage of the impeachment of Donald Trump.  August 2018, February 5th, 2020


Before his attempted insurrection and coup, there was the first attempt to impeach a criminal president


1. Obstructing Justice

2. Profiting from the Presidency

3. Soliciting Foreign Interference in US Elections

4. Advocating Political & Police Violence

5. Abuse of Power

6. Engaging in Reckless Conduct

7. Persecuting Political Opponents

8. Attacking the Free Press

9. Violating Immigrants' Right to Due Process

10. Violating Campaign Finance Laws


The Trump Administration Human Rights Tracker

A project by the Columbia Human Rights Law Review 

supported by Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute

It is difficult to keep up with all that the new administration is doing that threatens human rights. Each day brings fresh news of a damaging initiative by the President of the United States.

This tracker was designed to help journalists, civil society organizations, and the general public understand how the Trump Administration is impacting human rights.

By bringing together all the potential violations in one place, we hope to document and monitor the wide range of human rights being undermined by this administration at home and abroad.  Input from those using this tool is welcome at

More information about the tracker


Trump administration controversies -


Senators of the 117th Congress, Email & Addresses: 

(Terms for senators in Class I expire in 2025, Class II in 2027, and Class III in 2023.) 

Murkowski, Lisa - (R - AK)

Class III

522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6665


Sullivan, Dan - (R - AK)

Class II

302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3004


Shelby, Richard C. - (R - AL)

Class III

304 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5744


Tuberville, Tommy - (R - AL)

Class II

B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4124


Boozman, John - (R - AR)

Class III

141 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4843


Cotton, Tom - (R - AR)

Class II

326 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2353


Kelly, Mark - (D - AZ)

Class III

B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510



Sinema, Kyrsten - (D - AZ)

Class I

317 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4521


Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)

Class I

331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3841


Padilla, Alex - (D - CA)

Class III

B03 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3553


Bennet, Michael F. - (D - CO)

Class III

261 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5852


Hickenlooper, John W. - (D - CO)

Class II

B85 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5941


Blumenthal, Richard - (D - CT)

Class III

706 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2823


Murphy, Christopher - (D - CT)

Class I

136 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4041


Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE)

Class I

513 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2441


Coons, Christopher A. - (D - DE)

Class II

218 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5042


Rubio, Marco - (R - FL)

Class III

284 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3041


Scott, Rick - (R - FL)

Class I

716 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5274


Ossoff, Jon - (D - GA)

Class II

825 B&C Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3521


Warnock, Raphael G. - (D - GA)

Class III

B40D Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3643


Hirono, Mazie K. - (D - HI)

Class I

109 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6361


Schatz, Brian - (D - HI)

Class III

722 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3934


Ernst, Joni - (R - IA)

Class II

730 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3254


Grassley, Chuck - (R - IA)

Class III

135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3744


Crapo, Mike - (R - ID)

Class III

239 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6142


Risch, James E. - (R - ID)

Class II

483 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2752


Duckworth, Tammy - (D - IL)

Class III

524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2854


Durbin, Richard J. - (D - IL)

Class II

711 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2152


Braun, Mike - (R - IN)

Class I

374 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4814


Young, Todd - (R - IN)

Class III

185 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5623


Marshall, Roger, M.D. - (R - KS)

Class II

B33 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4774


Moran, Jerry - (R - KS)

Class III

521 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6521


McConnell, Mitch - (R - KY)

Class II

317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2541


Paul, Rand - (R - KY)

Class III

167 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4343


Cassidy, Bill - (R - LA)

Class II

520 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5824


Kennedy, John - (R - LA)

Class III

416 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4623


Markey, Edward J. - (D - MA)

Class II

255 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2742


Warren, Elizabeth - (D - MA)

Class I

309 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4543


Cardin, Benjamin L. - (D - MD)

Class I

509 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4524


Van Hollen, Chris - (D - MD)

Class III

110 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4654


Collins, Susan M. - (R - ME)

Class II

413 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2523


King, Angus S., Jr. - (I - ME)

Class I

133 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5344


Peters, Gary C. - (D - MI)

Class II

724 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6221


Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)

Class I

731 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4822


Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN)

Class I

425 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3244


Smith, Tina - (D - MN)

Class II

720 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5641


Blunt, Roy - (R - MO)

Class III

260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5721


Hawley, Josh - (R - MO)

Class I

212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6154


Hyde-Smith, Cindy - (R - MS)

Class II

702 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5054


Wicker, Roger F. - (R - MS)

Class I

555 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6253


Daines, Steve - (R - MT)

Class II

320 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2651


Tester, Jon - (D - MT)

Class I

311 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2644


Burr, Richard - (R - NC)

Class III

217 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3154


Tillis, Thom - (R - NC)

Class II

113 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6342


Cramer, Kevin - (R - ND)

Class I

400 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2043


Hoeven, John - (R - ND)

Class III

338 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2551


Fischer, Deb - (R - NE)

Class I

454 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6551


Sasse, Ben - (R - NE)

Class II

107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4224


Hassan, Margaret Wood - (D - NH)

Class III

324 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3324


Shaheen, Jeanne - (D - NH)

Class II

506 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2841


Booker, Cory A. - (D - NJ)

Class II

717 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3224


Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ)

Class I

528 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4744


Heinrich, Martin - (D - NM)

Class I

303 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5521


Luján, Ben Ray - (D - NM)

Class II

B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6621


Cortez Masto, Catherine - (D - NV)

Class III

516 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3542


Rosen, Jacky - (D - NV)

Class I

144 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6244


Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY)

Class I

478 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4451


Schumer, Charles E. - (D - NY)

Class III

322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6542


Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH)

Class I

503 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2315


Portman, Rob - (R - OH)

Class III

448 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3353


Inhofe, James M. - (R - OK)

Class II

205 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4721


Lankford, James - (R - OK)

Class III

316 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5754


Merkley, Jeff - (D - OR)

Class II

531 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3753


Wyden, Ron - (D - OR)

Class III

221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5244


Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA)

Class I

393 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6324


Toomey, Patrick J. - (R - PA)

Class III

455 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4254


Reed, Jack - (D - RI)

Class II

728 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4642


Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)

Class I

530 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2921


Graham, Lindsey - (R - SC)

Class II

290 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5972


Scott, Tim - (R - SC)

Class III

104 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6121


Rounds, Mike - (R - SD)

Class II

502 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5842


Thune, John - (R - SD)

Class III

511 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2321


Blackburn, Marsha - (R - TN)

Class I

357 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3344


Hagerty, Bill - (R - TN)

Class II

B11 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4944


Cornyn, John - (R - TX)

Class II

517 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2934


Cruz, Ted - (R - TX)

Class I

127A Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5922


Lee, Mike - (R - UT)

Class III

361A Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5444


Romney, Mitt - (R - UT)

Class I

124 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5251


Kaine, Tim - (D - VA)

Class I

231 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4024


Warner, Mark R. - (D - VA)

Class II

703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2023


Leahy, Patrick J. - (D - VT)

Class III

437 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-4242


Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT)

Class I

332 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5141


Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)

Class I

511 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3441


Murray, Patty - (D - WA)

Class III

154 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-2621


Baldwin, Tammy - (D - WI)

Class I

709 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5653


Johnson, Ron - (R - WI)

Class III

328 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5323


Capito, Shelley Moore - (R - WV)

Class II

172 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6472


Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV)

Class I

306 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3954


Barrasso, John - (R - WY)

Class I

307 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6441


Lummis, Cynthia M. - (R - WY)

Class II

G12 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-3424


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