

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Denying denial at Science of Doom #1c Flori's comments" only links

Summary of key points:

Why trust scientists?
CO2 saturation?
Political leaders and public's right to learn without malicious interference!

Serious science is not about "tolerance of diversity" 
Science is about pinning down the facts as well as possible
and always learning. 

Good prima facie evidence?
Syria, conflict and drought?
Do full bellies dictate a people's sense of wellbeing and satisfaction?

It's not about relying "only on what others are telling us."   
It's about trusting a huge community of experts 
who keep each other honest !

Moral "equivalence" and coming catastrophe.
What is Catastrophic Climate Change?

Naomi Oreskes: Why we should trust scientists
Richard Alley: Who says CO2 heats things up?
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An Essay Concerning Our Weather 1995
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"EXPOSED - The's "McKitrick and McIntyre" Files"
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Forcing, feedback and internal variability in global temperature trends
 Nature by Jochem Marotzke and Piers Forster
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1956 American Scientist Gilbert Plass article explores AGW
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Is the CO2 effect saturated?
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The greenhouse effect and the 2nd law of thermodynamics
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An exponential increase in CO2 will result in a linear increase in temperature
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Can anyone clarify the CO2 band saturation thing?
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Why some gases are greenhouse gases, but most aren’t, and some are stronger than others
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The carbon dioxide theory of Gilbert Plass
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Marotzke & Forster Respond to Nic Lewis
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Evidence for global warming
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Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis
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The publics' right to learn what scientists are learning with out malicious interference, intent on misrepresenting and confusing, rather than good-faith learning.

EXPOSED:  The Republican/libertarian's dishonest attack on climate science: 

Conservative Think Tanks and Climate Change Denial Books
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"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort
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Right-wing think tanks are often quoted, rarely labeled
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Climate Change Denial A Bargain At $1.2 Mil
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Secret funding helped build vast network of climate denial thinktanks
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Heartland Institute
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The Googlization of the Far Right
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"The troubling story of how a cadre of influential scientists have clouded public understanding of scientific facts to advance a political and economic agenda."
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"without good prima facie evidence"

Infrared radiation and planetary temperature

Comment: Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide: The missing science

USGS Newsroom: 
Human Activities Produce More Carbon Dioxide Emissions Than Do Volcanoes
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What about good 'ol Earth observations?

Climate change: How do we know?
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Global Climate Change Indicators
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USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
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New Plant Hardiness Zones Confirm What Gardeners Already Know about Global Warming

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Would some background information about the long history of climate science help?
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WikiLeaks, Drought and Syria - Thomas Friedman
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by Francesco Femia & Caitlin Werrell, in a Center for Climate & Security repost 
[Addendum by Joe Romm] March 3, 2012
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Drought helped cause Syria’s war. Will climate change bring more like it?
By Brad Plumer | September 10, 2013
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The age of climate warfare is here. The military-industrial complex is ready. Are you?
by Nafeez Ahmed | May 30, 2014
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On Point: California Drought And The U.S. Food Supply
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Leading Scientists Explain How Climate Change Is Worsening California’s Epic Drought
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It's wrong to say that droughts haven't increased globally, it's an extremely complex thing to track.  Here's an informed description of the situation:

Global warming and changes in drought
Trenberth, K. E., A. Dai, G. van der Schrier, P. D. Jones, J. Barichivich, K. R. Briffa, and J. Sheffield, 2014: |  Nature Climate Change
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NOAA: Climate Change Did Not Cause Calif. Drought

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Billion Dollar US Weather Disasters, 1080-2013
Source National Climate Data Center
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The Last Time CO2 Was This High, Humans Didn’t Exist
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2014 World Population Data Sheets
Download Full Report: 2014 World Population Data Sheet (PDF: 2MB)

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What's the moral "equivalence" of willfully tearing apart our planet's natural life support system (not to mention our complex manmade infrastructure - think coastal cities and farms for starters) 

§  Is there evidence that our burning of fossil fuels is causing our "global heat distribution engine" to warm up?

§  Will warming (read, energizing) our global heat distribution engine impact the rhythms of the global biosphere that humanity and society has developed within? 

§  Will a warming climate system energize our atmosphere's hydrology, both by increasing the amount of water the troposphere holds and by increasing the energy that needs to be dissipated? (read, less, but more intense rain/wind storms).

§  Are our food supply systems dependent on the established rhythms of our 'current' seasons and rain patterns?

§  Will an increasingly warming planet cause it's cryosphere to melt at increasing rates?

§  Will that melting and warming cause global sea levels to rise?

§  Will rising sea levels impact coastal installations such a shipping ports, oil refineries, coastal cities and subsurface infrastructure, tourist hotel strips and barrier island real estate holdings, to mention just a few?
Sea level rise blog

§  Is the math of compounding interest for real?

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Met Office in the Media: 29 January 2012

"Today the Mail on Sunday published a story written by David Rose entitled “Forget global warming – it’s Cycle 25 we need to worry about”.
This article includes numerous errors in the reporting of published peer reviewed science undertaken by the Met Office Hadley Centre and for Mr. Rose to suggest that the latest global temperatures available show no warming in the last 15 years is entirely misleading.
Despite the Met Office having spoken to David Rose ahead of the publication of the story, he has chosen to not fully include the answers we gave him to questions around decadal projections produced by the Met Office or his belief that we have seen no warming since 1997. ..."
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Met Office in the Media: 14 October 2012

"An article by David Rose appears today in the Mail on Sunday under the title: ‘Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it’
It is the second article Mr Rose has written which contains some misleading information, after he wrote an article earlier this year on the same theme – you see our response to that one here.

To address some of the points in the article published today: "

CC's "Denial Games at ScienceOfDoom" Collection

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