

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dave Burton complains, yet remains a no-show.

ncdave4life, aka David Burton, the NC-20 guy, showed up to offer two comments at my CC.blogspot today. I'm only sharing his one important line:
"Are you ever going to approve the rest of my comments, citizenschallenge?"   
Mr. Burton, here's my response:

Hell no.  Not until you rationally respond to my critiques of your first comments.  Like I told you before, I'm not a billboard for you, I'm about engaging in a constructive dialogue!

Now Mr. Burton, my question to you: 

May 17, 2016
#1 considering malicious mischief in action: ncdave4life

I even published your second and third comments with the intention of reviewing them, but the weather cleared up and life is busy and I have my priorities.  

Besides, it didn't take much searching to find that much more informed individuals than I have taken the time to describe the many falsehoods you employ.  It gave me an easy out, and I produced the following posts.  


May 18, 2016
The Seamonster does Dave Burton's sea level claims.

The NC sea level rise saga: reply to Dave Burton
Posted on Monday, June 18th, 2012 

Dave Burton of NC 20 published a reply here to recent post I did about natural and human-caused sea level rise, “Sea Level Rise 101“. This is a reply to his post and a clarification of some of his many misconceptions about sea level rise science.

I want to start by saying that my interests in the NC sea level rise issue are not at all political. I am neutral on what coastal communities should do as adaptation measures to sea level rise and other impacts of climate change. ...

May 26, 2016
HOTWHOPPER does Dave Burton's sea level claims
~ ~ ~
Dave Burton wants to level the seas at WUWT

Over at WUWT, deniers are clutching at straws to continue to reject science in the face of all the "hottest evers". They really, really liked the last big El Nino in 1997-98, but they really, really dislike this current El Nino of 2015-16. It means they'll have to wait a while before they can start pointing to a drop in the surface temperature although Anthony Watts keeps jumping the gun and is excitedly telling his readers that a La Nina is just about here.

Here is some of what they got up to today, with a moan and lots of misdirection from a WUWT regular commenter called Dave Burton about another bane of deniers' existence - rising seas (archived here). But first, what's been happening...

Mr. Burton, 

I've been waiting to see if you'd ever show up to respond to those thoughtful and supported points.

I have shown you good faith and posted your comments.  Now it's time for you to show some good faith and intellectual integrity and respond to the many described examples of how you manipulate and ignore various scientific facts in pursuit of foisting your Rainbow Realtor's Reality onto a confused public. {sans tricky dick coding!}   

Oh almost forgot, there's this other example of how Dave for Life likes blowing it up our keisters: 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

ncdave4life IPCC "Expert" Reviewer and battle of the Lists

Looking at ncdave's next comments over at CC, he confides, "Disclosure: I was an Expert Reviewer on the IPCC's AR5 Report." and we come to find out we're dealing with Dave Burton creator of the faux-science "" blog.  The guy believes Heartland is the scientific gold standard.  Come on, look at their mission statement, it has nothing to do with understanding our planet.  Policy advocacy is all they are concerned with.  That's not science, that's power-politics PR games.   
Dave's big on conspiracy ideation against established science and he believes Heartland's incestuous little NIPCC is more reliable than the thousands of reports and studies that have gone into the IPCC reports.  And he's got the list to prove it, that's why I've included AGW Observer's 'Anti-AGW papers debunked' listafter our excursion into Mr. Burton's expert comment.

You may ask what qualifies Dave to be an IPCC "Expert Reviewer"?  Turns out, he doesn't need any qualification, just enough interest to sign up with the IPCC.  As Tim Lambert explained “Expert reviewer for the IPCC” doesn't mean that they asked him to review material – all it means is that he asked to see the draft report. The only real requirement to be a reviewer is to sign an agreement not to publicly comment on the draft.” ...

But wait there's more, about that NC-20. Old news, but it shows where their heads are at.

The agenda behind the sea level rise bill: from the Carolina coast to the Kochs 

Who is NC-20?

Who is NC-20? 
"If you want to preserve the beauty of the coastal counties while ensuring that we use our God-given assets to increase the quantity and quality of jobs, preserve and increase our tax base, and leave our children a legacy of prosperity, join NC-20." 
That's the sales pitch for the group that successfully lobbied for a significant change in state environmental policy—one that could harm future generations of coastal residents. 
The board of directors includes 10 county managers and 10 people with development, real estate, insurance and forestry interests. (See chart below.) 
NC-20 Chairman Tom Thompson reports that the group's annual budget is about $27,000. However, it's difficult to gauge the NC-20's financial status. According to the group's federal tax returns, it received $13,241 in memberships and dues in 2009. That amount jumped to $54,644 in the July 2010–June 2011 fiscal year. However, Thompson said the figure is incorrect because NC-20 bills all the coastal counties but half of them don't pay. (New Hanover and Brunswick counties, for example, are not members.) 
"It's a hope that they'll join," he added. Yet since these counties were invoiced, the potential revenue must be accounted for. 
Annual membership dues range from $100 for individuals to $5,000 for businesses (includes a board seat) and up to $10,000 for counties.
NC-20 is an all-volunteer staff. Expenditures include speaker and lobbyist fees. Thompson said NC-20 paid Fred Bone, ranked as one of the state's most effective lobbyists (see chart below), $12,000 over eight months. He reported to the group on committee hearings, Thompson said, "but he didn't try to influence the legislation. We don't have that kind of money to pay him for that."  
There's much more, link to full story 



    Want to know how sea level in your area is changing due to global warming and other factors? Our 'report cards' can help. Updated by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science each year as annual tide-gauge data become available, they display recent sea-level trends and project sea-level height to the year 2050 for 32 localities along the U.S. East, Gulf, and West coasts.

    Report Card Components
    Our report cards have 3 components: the 2050 projection, recent trends in the rates of sea-level change, and an explanation of processes affecting sea level at each locality.

    The annotated chart below, using the latest data from Norfolk, Virginia, briefly explains the data and statistical approaches we use in our 2050 projections. Visit an individual locality for details on all its report-card components. You can also compare sea-level trends, projections and processes among localities and by region. For full technical details, read our report.

  2. Bill Price at 2:41 PM Feb 23, 2020 -

    You make very outlandish claims - you provide no references, no sources, just your self-certain opinion.

    It didn't take long to find the sources for some of that nonsense you puked up - zero on the veracity scale.

    We don't play that game over here - I won't be a billboard for your empty-headed delusions.

    We're after intelligent constructive debate over here - being honest is rule one.

    Providing respectable sources is another expectation.

    Later Bill
