Brendan Demelle and Richard Littlemore at have revealed more information regarding the serial liar John O'Sullivan. The following is a repost of their interesting July 26, 2012 article.
Guess I'm trying to figure out how people choose to believe such obvious frauds rather than dedicated scientists.
Guess I'm trying to figure out how people choose to believe such obvious frauds rather than dedicated scientists.
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Affidavits filed in the British Columbia Supreme Court libel litigation brought by climate scientist Michael Mann against climate science denier Timothy Ball reveal that Ball's collaborator and self-styled "legal advisor" has misrepresented his credentials and endured some significant legal embarrassments…
But wait! That's not all...
The flim-flam lawyer and leader of the wacko band of global warming deniers who call themselves the "Sky Dragon Slayers," has told his story of unrequited lust in pictures!
The disgraced high school art teacher, promoted his bawdy "fact-based crime story of a teacher's struggle to control his erotic obsession with a schoolgirl," by publishing a montage of nude photos of himself gazing at the bare-breasted image of a very pretty pubescent girl.
This photo-montage from one of John O'Sullivan's older blogs is in one of the affidavits I submitted to the Supreme Court of British Columbia (upon which the BigCityLib article was based.) Court-stamped copies of the documents are here:
And you can see for yourself how perverse the perverter of science is by viewing his soft-porn art for yourself, which is still up on one of his old blogs:
You should also read one of his older bios published on under his nom de plume J Daley O'Neal, in which he boasts of how he “dares to apply his literary talents to contentious hot topics such unlawful police practices, sexual harassment and paedophilia.”
-- Andrew Skolnick
P.S. I think only a pedophile would call pedophilia a "contentious hot topic" rather than an unpardonable crime.
... I mean who else would "contend" pedophilia is something other than a villainous crime against children?
Let me quote from this literary genius' self-published "fact-based" autobiographical novel "Vanilla Girl":
“I tell my online friends that the age of consent varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The median seems to range from fourteen to sixteen years, but globally ages can range anything from nine to twenty-one. It sickens me that people, so-called civilized, intelligent people can’t see it. Their clinical, sanitized attitudes toward the appropriate age of consent have drifted upwards in modern times-Ignorant people rally against me-against us-us free thinkers.”
“Too many fools still believe and need to believe that children are ‘innocent’ and ‘pure’, that is, asexual, untainted by sexual thoughts, feelings or urges. But, you see, Leo, you and me know this is not true even of very young children, and it is certainly not true of children much past the age of ten or eleven.”
“By looking at the female waist to hip ratio, you know when a female is of the right age for reproduction. At that time, and if the mind is mature enough you can argue that you are dealing with a woman and not a child. If nature says she a woman then she is a woman-it’s not arbitrary like the age of consent laws that vary so wildly throughout the world from country to country, jurisdiction to jurisdiction.”
Here is another instance of false claims in denier land.
I am going to be a little bit mean here: pedophilia as such is not a crime (nowhere in the world, in fact!); the legal problem starts when the pedophile acts out the fantasy.
It is impossible to put anyone in jail who merely expresses a desire, although it may under special circumstances lead to civil commitment.
Mean? You want to talk "mean"?
You should start by looking at the official Missouri State Highway Patrol file on O’Sullivan’s fellow Sky Dragon Slayer Oliver Manuel:
Prof. Manuel was convicted of attempting to sodomize his 11-year-old daughter and was charged with raping and sodomizing three other children, but those charges had to be dropped due to Missouri’s statute of limitations.
Unlike O’Sullivan, fellow luminary Oliver Manuel is now required by law to register as a sexual offender.
But like his fellow Sky Dragon Slayer, Mr. O’Sullivan’s reputation and career was torpedoed by sexual abuse charges involving a minor. If you have the stomach for it, read the London Mirror news report on his trial for allegedly sending dozens of obscene text messages and offering money for sex to a 16-y-old school girl:
And for those with a cast iron stomach and nerves of steel, read Mr. O’Sullivan’s defense of what he calls “kiddie fiddling” in his autobiographical novel “Vanilla Girl,” which he described as “a fact-based crime story of a teacher’s struggle to control his erotic obsession with a schoolgirl”:
With his passages like these:
“I tell my online friends that the age of consent varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The median seems to range from fourteen to sixteen years, but globally ages can range anything from nine to twenty-one. It sickens me that people, so-called civilized, intelligent people can’t see it. Their clinical, sanitized attitudes toward the appropriate age of consent have drifted upwards in modern times-Ignorant people rally against me-against us-us free thinkers.”
“By looking at the female waist to hip ratio, you know when a female is of the right age for reproduction. At that time, and if the mind is mature enough you can argue that you are dealing with a woman and not a child. If nature says she a woman then she is a woman-it’s not arbitrary like the age of consent laws that vary so wildly throughout the world from country to country, jurisdiction to jurisdiction.”
“Too many fools still believe and need to believe that children are ‘innocent’ and ‘pure’, that is, asexual, untainted by sexual thoughts, feelings or urges. But, you see, Leo, you and me know this is not true even of very young children, and it is certainly not true of children much past the age of ten or eleven.”
Excusing, justifying, and promoting the sexual exploitation of children "much past the age of ten or eleven" is about as mean as any human can be.
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