Please realize your relentless deluge of fund raising texts - filled with melodramatic to hysterical messaging - is counter-productive.
If the Democratic Party isn't changing minds, we are losing!
DNC needs to inform, engage, and motive us! These constant texts do nothing but irritate and worse - they drive people away because we are tapped out. Instead, why not help us regular grassroots people network with likeminded Democrats to raise awareness. Let's recapture the sense of the community spirit that once fueled our democracy.
We need substantive helpful information and connection building.
A suggestion: Why not a private Democratic online discussion forum.
This would enable the DNC to communicate directly with interested voters; it would be a platform to inform, engage, motivate and help us network directly with likeminded.
Give us something to help build a little tangible feelings of solidarity.
WE the people need
A well organized, superbly moderated, Members-Only Democratic Party Discussion Forum.
Clear, concise, and intelligent guidelines.
Verified participants with real identities and self-chosen screen names.
A commitment to abide by the rules - or leave.
Key to success: excellent moderation. The forum must be led by even-handed consistent moderators with a flair for humor, empathy, and mediation skills - steering discussions back on point. Bill it as the “Democratic Party Caucus Forum” - honoring our once-proud tradition of lively precinct caucus meetings.
For inspiration, check out the Center For Inquiry Forum - while small, it exemplifies a well-run, structured discussion space with a positive spirit. As Democrats across the country discover a trusted place to speak, listen, learn, and network with party, it will naturally grow.
Politically engaged citizen have few opportunities to connect. Providing a trustworthy, adult discussion platform for constructive dialogue could rapidly increase awareness and reinvigorate a disillusioned grassroots.
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