Juxtaposing 'trusted' websites of "climate science skeptics" with those of "warmists".
Recently I had a dialogue with a character who talked with much self-certitude - but little actual interest in the science, though he did try talking science-ie. He also offered a number of links to support his arguments. I made a tally and it's quite the Who's Who of political interests focused on promoting their agenda rather than global climate understanding.
Then, this morning, I came across an interesting 22 item long collection by Peter Gaeta who (like me has taken the time to seriously investigate contrarian claims) put together "… some CRUCIAL links/information on global warming that have proven utterly accurate and reputable" and since he invites us to share his effort, I am happy to do it, particularly since it makes such a perfect contrast to my collection regarding science contrarian blogs.
You can find Gaeta's list following my collection of links. Feel free to copy and pass along these interesting links to important information.
Recently I had a dialogue with a character who talked with much self-certitude - but little actual interest in the science, though he did try talking science-ie. He also offered a number of links to support his arguments. I made a tally and it's quite the Who's Who of political interests focused on promoting their agenda rather than global climate understanding.
Then, this morning, I came across an interesting 22 item long collection by Peter Gaeta who (like me has taken the time to seriously investigate contrarian claims) put together "… some CRUCIAL links/information on global warming that have proven utterly accurate and reputable" and since he invites us to share his effort, I am happy to do it, particularly since it makes such a perfect contrast to my collection regarding science contrarian blogs.
You can find Gaeta's list following my collection of links. Feel free to copy and pass along these interesting links to important information.
The names below are linked to revealing bios and further information:
Freeman Dyson {The ancient theoretical physicist and dreamer who's still pissed at the world for not allowing him to build his atomic bomb powered spaceship.}
Then there's Heartland Institute:
"Heartland's policy positions, strategies and budget distinguish it clear as a lobby firm that is misrepresenting itself as a “think tank” - it budgets $4.1 million of its $6.4 million in projected expenditures for Editorial, Government Relations, Communications, Fundraising, and Publications, and the only activity it plans that could vaguely be considered policy development is the writing of a curriculum package for use in confusing high schoolers about climate change.
There will be more comment and analysis to follow on DeSmogBlog and elsewhere, but we wanted to make this information available so that others can also scrutinize the documents and bring their expertise to the task."
Deep Climate – Heartland Institute Budget and Strategy Revealed
Greg Laden – Anti-Science Institute’s Insider Reveals Secrets
Planet 3.0 – Is turnabout Fair Play?
Climate Crocks - How is Joe Bast like Joe Camel?
Climate Progress - Heartland Documents Reveal Fringe Denial Group Plans to Pursue Koch Money, Dupe Children and Cultivate Revkin
Attachment Size (1-15-2012) 2012 Fundraising Plan.pdf
89.87 KB (1-15-2012) 2012 Heartland Budget (2).pdf
124.62 KB 2 Agenda for January 17 Meeting.pdf
7.4 KB 2010_IRS_Form_990 (2).pdf
2.7 MB 2012 Climate Strategy (3).pdf
96.56 KB Binder1 (2).pdf
55.36 KB Board Meeting Package January 17.pdf
6.84 KB
Here's a further collection of informative stories
Now we get to what the folks who are alarmed about humanity's impact on our life sustaining planet have to say about what's happening on our one and only Earth:
I have studied global warming
more than the vast majority of humanity, on my own time. I've delved into
lengthy discussions, studies, papers, arguments, counter-arguments, and the
ACTUAL data.
I've listened to denier arguments and have given them an honest
chance to be right about ANY of their arguments against global warming.
what I found? Not a SINGLE denier argument holds water.
In fact, global warming
is not only real, it is absolutely anthropogenic (man-made), and presents
serious serious problems. The ONLY debate within the field of climatology is
NOT whether global warming is real or not... that debate was settled in the
The modern debate is whether global warming will be pretty bad or
hellish, and whether that'll be in 100 years or 30 years. We're facing SERIOUS
ecological collapses right now, on multiple fronts, it's time to get VERY sober
about this and do what needs to be done.
Here are some CRUCIAL
links/information on global warming that have proven utterly accurate and
CRUCIAL links/information on global warming that have proven utterly accurate and reputable:
CRUCIAL links/information on global warming that have proven utterly accurate and reputable:
Global Climate Change (NASA)
Global Warming (NOAA)
Climate Denial Crock of the
Week (great great series)
Climate Science from Climate
Scientists: Start Here
Global Warming & Climate
Change Myths
How to Talk to a Climate
Now Just 0.01 Percent of
Climate Scientists Reject Global Warming
What really annoys scientists
about the state of the climate change debate?
2014 Is Officially the Hottest
Year on Record
Smoke, Mirrors, and Hot Air:
How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate
Global Warming's Deadly Denial
Koch Industries: Still Fueling
Climate Denial
Not just the Koch brothers:
New study reveals funders behind the climate change denial effort
Just 90 companies caused
two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions
Exxon knew of climate change
in 1981, email says – but it funded deniers for 27 more years
The Climate Deception Dossiers (2015)
Climate Change: Evidence and Explaination
Correction: Plants Will Not Flourish as the World Warms
No Pause in Global Warming
The oceans are warming faster than climate models predicted
Climate Change: Evidence and Explaination
Correction: Plants Will Not Flourish as the World Warms
No Pause in Global Warming
The oceans are warming faster than climate models predicted
Here’s what happens when you
try to replicate climate contrarian papers
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