This is the fourth installment of Dunlap, Jacques' (2013) study of the history of our dysfunctional public climate science education dialogue. They focused on the influence of "conservative think tanks (CTTs) on the output of "skeptical" book publications and this section deals with Book Ties With Conservative Think Tanks.
Here are facts about why out and out lying has been allowed to became the mainstay of the Republican climate science contrarian PR strategy Facts that it would be good for younger activists to be aware of. Given that the study has a CCA License I've decided to Repost the complete text in a few installments. I thank Riley Dunlap and Peter Jacques for the opportunity to Repost their impressive work.
I follow with excerpts and related links to a number of eye-opening articles
Oil Industry Astroturf Campaign Exposed
Leaked Memo: Oil Lobby Launches Fake "Grassroots" Campaign
Freedom to Bully: How Laws Intended to Free Information Are Used to Harass Researchers
Michael Halpern | February 2015
Exposed: Shameless climate denial, brought to you by Big Coal
Alpha Natural Discloses Payments to Climate Change Skeptic Chris Horner
By Patrick Fitzgerald | October 15, 2015
Shattered Consensus Review
Reviewed 7/10/2014
Avery and Singer: Unstoppable Hot Air
David Archer | November 20, 2006
Professor of physical sciences - Scott Mandia's Collection
What Are Climate Change Skeptics Still Skeptical About?
By Natalie Wolchover | November 22, 2011
Hudson Institute Funding
Dennis T. Avery (of the Hudson Institute)
Global warming denier Dennis Avery doesn’t know the difference between growth and growth rate
Right-Wing Authors Claim to be Swindled by Right-Wing Publisher
November 7, 2007
Cooking the Books: How the Conservative Best Seller Scam is a Free Market Hypocrisy
November 16, 2014
From The Merchants of Doubt - a documented history
Chapter 6 - Denial of Global Warming
Denialists are dead wrong about the science. But they understand something the left still doesn’t get about the revolutionary meaning of climate change.
Climate Denial Goes Vegas
July 7, 2014
Why do libertarians deny climate change?
#4 Book Ties With Conservative Think Tanks
The American Behavioral Scientist
Climate Change Denial Books and
Conservative Think Tanks
Exploring the Connection
Copyright © 2013 SAGE PublicationsThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Am Behav Sci. 2013 Jun; 57(6): 699–731.
Conservative Think Tanks (CTTs)
Book Ties With Conservative Think Tanks
Our examination of the links between the denial books and CTTs follows the procedure we used in our prior study of environmental skepticism (Jacques et al., 2008). Specifically, links were established in one of two ways: The author or editor was affiliated with a CTT or the book was published (or copublished) by a CTT press (often both).