Driving home this evening I heard the NPR story “Peter Thiel Stands Out In Silicon Valley For Support Of Donald Trump” (Laura Sydell | October 31, 2016), in the story the man demonstrated such childish logic for such a big man that when I got home I couldn't help pound out the following response.
Mr. Thiel, you’ve taken offense that many say you show significant “lack of judgement” by coming out in support of Donald Trump the gold plated narcissist who would be President.
On Monday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., you defended your position: "It's not a lack of judgment that leads Americans to vote for Trump. We're voting for Trump because we judge the leadership of our country to have failed.”
I thought you said you were a man of good judgement? What's with that yuge non sequitur? What does Washington DC leadership failures have to do with being suckered by a big talking hustler like the beauty pageant magnet Donald Trump?
To quote from the NPR story: