Since no one's looking at my, I figure may as well also post this over here. It all started with an off-the-wall assertion made by a Creationist(s) regarding the Geologic Column.
... Unfortunately, after decades of ignoring such belligerent denial of reality about important aspects of our life and planet, in the service of GOP political war strategies, it has become so insidious and commonplace that we find our government increasingly controlled by Republicans who feel empowered to blatantly disregard obvious down to Earth physical realities on personal whim.
Justified only by a hubristic conceit that they are doing “God’s duty,” when in honesty they are all about pursuing their own EGO’s bidding.
Since it matters to me,
I decided to engage Psalm with a short video that rationally explains what the geologic column is all about. Then came my second shock,