{I forgot about this one from a couple days ago that I didn't get to post.}
A quick update from a coffee shop in Corrales, NM
A quick update from a coffee shop in Corrales, NM
Krischel responded at OurChangingClimate with the following that seems to totally evade the simple questions about "null hypothesis" I'd asked about.
krischel Says: July 21, 2014 at 02:21
Yes, “consensus” is a political idea, not a scientific one. Science doesn’t work through consensus, it works through the strict application of skepticism to necessary and sufficient falsifiable hypothesis statements.
#1 – the verification of experiments, or observation of data, is not subject to consensus. CO2 has risen steadily for the past 17 years, while global average temperatures have had no statistically significant warming, no matter how many people wish to deny that.
#2 – Medical “science” is a lot more primitive than you would believe. A sad amount of focus is put on epidemiological studies (observational studies), which leads to all kinds of false flags, causing treatment and medical advice that is actually *damaging* to humanity. Hormone replacement therapy and low-fat nutrition advice come immediately to mind.
#3 – A “consensus” is poll of people where their opinions align.
#4 – I’ll be a bit more specific -> in all fields of science, blindly accepting the “common understanding” is a negative. We should always be brutally skeptical of even our most cherished and deeply held beliefs. Without challenges to the “common understanding”, science simply does not progress.
That being said, having a common understanding of the scientific method is *crucial* to the proper practice of science. Sadly, this isn’t generally the case in the AGW debate.
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krischel Says: July 21, 2014 at 02:21 -
"Yes, “consensus” is a political idea, not a scientific one."
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Do you actually believe that?
What's the point of designing reproducible experiments -
if not a desire to find support in "consensus"?
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Don't you appreciate that the "consensus" is nothing more than the "general agreement" among informed experts.
And that the consensus is always provisional in light of new and better information?