The latest round of right-wing internet hysteria is over the California Climate Science Truth and Accountability Act of 2016 (full text enclosed). Right now they are celebrating a victory since State Senator James Monning withdrew the bill, though the bill had passed both the state Senate's environmental and judiciary committees. What I've found more interesting than the merits or failing of SB1161, is the Right Wing Media's melodramatic misrepresentation of the bill. Here's a sampling.
May 31, 2016 by California Political Review's Stephen Frank: "SB 1161: Makes Questioning “Climate Change” a Sue-able Offense. Criminal?" ~ June 3, 2016 Washington Examiner's Kyle Feldscher: "Calif. Senate backs away from bill criminalizing climate change doubt" ~ June 2, 2016 Washington Times' Valerie Richardson: "California Senate sidelines bill to prosecute climate change skeptics" to name but the three that I've read.
Marc Morano's June 3rd Climate Depot post sums up their mentality quite well via Kyle's puff piece, it reads:
June 3, 2016 Washington Examiner: "Marc Morano, a climate change doubter who runs Climate Depot, said the California bill is the logical end point of the debate between believers and doubters.
(Morano) said those who believe in climate change have been trying for years to silence doubters and now, given the calls to investigate Exxon Mobil for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act violations and the California bill, there are attempts to actually charge people for their beliefs.
"You can't even question the predictions of 50-100 years from now or that's considered hate speech," (Morano) said.
"That goes against everything this country was founded on." Morano said climate change believers want to delegitimize their critics instead of engaging in any sort of debate over the science.
He said the bill proposed by Allen is another step in silencing dissent. "This is the language of religion, not science," (Morano) said.
Sounds quite frightening and extreme, but then I know a bit about this Morano character, a true master of malicious misinformation campaigns. So I decided to look at California SB1161 myself. Surprise, it's turns out to be nothing like how Morano represented it.
Here we have yet another example of how the right-wing PR machine misrepresents issues from the gitgo, reframing everything to suit their own simplistic and painfully myopic storylines. I mean they refuse to even listen to what's being said. Instead they are busy constantly spinning their paranoid machinations about the bad greenies.
How can rational constructive adult dialogue exist if one side refuses to hear what the other is saying? It's no wonder that our critically important Anthropogenic Global Warming education dialogue of the past decades has been such a tragic endless dog-chasing-tail squandering of precious time.
Back to SB1161, let's look at what this bill actually says.